International Journal |
1. Muhammad Roshanzamir, Thermal Responses and the Energy Spectral of Diatomic Molecules Using Nikiforov–Uvarov Methodology , The parametric Nikiforov–Uvarov approach and the Greene–Aldrich approximation scheme were used to achieve approximate analytical solutions to the Schrödinger equation, involving an interaction of the modified deformed Hylleraas potential mixed linear |
2. Muhammad Roshanzamir, The Information-Theoretic Treatment of Spinless Particles with the Assorted Diatomic Molecular Potential , Advances in High Energy Physics, vol. 2022, Article ID 6621156, 12 pages, 2022. |
3. M. Roshanzamir et al, The Laplace transform approach for a Dirac isotonic oscillator with a tensor potential in D-dimensions , Phys. Scr. 89 (2014) 015001 |
4. M. Roshanzamir et al, • Pauli-isotonic oscillator with anomalous magnetic moment in presence of Aharonov-Bohm effect: Laplace transform approach , Theor. Math. Phys. 186:2 (2016) 286 |
5. M. Roshanzamir et al, Magnetization of disclinated graphene in nonuniform magnetic field , International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 31, No. 04, 1750013 (2017) |
International Conference |
6. M. Roshanzamir, Dislocated crystal in the presence of spin-torsion coupling in a rotating frame , Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, NanoTR-11 (2015) P62 |
National Conference |
٧. Muhammad Roshanzamir, The use of probability density in the analysis of Tsallis entropy , ششمين کنفرانس فيزيک رياضي ايران |
٨. Muhammad Roshanzamir, The study of energy spectra and the Rényi entropy using probability density in the presence of generalized inversely Yukawa potential , |
٩. M. Roshanzamir, Thermodynamic properties and the energy spectra of exponential-type Schiöberg potential for non zero angular momentum states , Physics Society of Iran, Aug. 2018 |
١٠. Muhammad Roshanzamir, پاسخ هاي معادله کلاين-گوردون D - بعدي در حضور پتانسيل هايپربوليک با بکارگيري تقريب گرين - آلدريش , کنفرانس فيزيک ايران ۱۴۰۱ |
١١. M. Roshanzamir, Energy dispersion and persistent current of quantum dot in the disclinated graphene layer using Nikiforov-Uvarov , ICMP: Iranian Conference on Mathematical Physics 1, 62, 2018 |
١٢. M. Roshanzamir, Energy dispersion, scattering phase shift and cross section through the Williams-Poulios molecular potential via the analytical Greene-Aldrich approximation , Physics Society of Iran, Aug. 2018 |
١٣. M. Roshanzamir, The partition function and the thermodynamic properties of Williams-Poulios potential , Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (IPM), May 2018 |
١٤. M. Roshanzamir et al, Spin and pseudospin symmetry solution of Dirac equation with Scarf potential , Physics Society of Iran, Aug. 2011 |
١٥. M. Roshanzamir et al, NU approach in Dirac equation with exponential Scarf potential , Physics Society of Iran, Aug. 2012 |
١٦. M. Roshanzamir et al, Analytical solution of Schrodinger equation with two physical potentials using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method , Physics Society of Iran, Aug. 2013 |
١٧. M. Roshanzamir et al, Two-dimensional Isotonic oscillator in Aharonov-Bohm field: Laplace transform approach , National Conference on Applied Research in Mathematics and Physics, Jan. 2015 |
١٨. M. Roshanzamir et al, Effects of geometric theory on the dispersion relation in graphene with topological defects , Physics Society of Iran, Jan. 2015 |
١٩. M. Roshanzamir et al, The effect of anomalous magnetic moment on isotonic oscillator in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm field , Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (IPM), May 2015 |
٢٠. M. Roshanzamir et al, Effect of external magnetic field on spinless particle in Gödel-type spacetime , Physics Society of Iran, Aug. 2015 |
٢١. M. Roshanzamir et al, Quantum ring in the presence of topological defect and magnetic flux , Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (IPM), May 2016 |