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Monday 10 February 2025

Morteza Bayareh

Associate Professor

Fluid Mechanics

Faculty of Technology and Engineering

Tel: 038-3444-2141


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Research Interest
   Multiphase flows:
   Turbulent flow:

Academic Resume
   Post Doc, , University of Notre Dame, USA، Graduation Date: 2012
   Phd, , Isfahan University of Technology, Iran، Graduation Date: 2008
   Master, , Isfahan University of Technology, Iran، Graduation Date: 2002
   Bachelor, , , Iran، Graduation Date: 2000

International Journal
1. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Experimental and numerical investigation on the performance of a gas-solid cyclone with twisted baffles and roughened cone surface , Powder Technology, 2023
2. Morteza Bayareh, Azam Usefian, Simulation of parabolic trough solar collectors using various discretization approaches: A review , Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2023
3. Zahra Ghorbani, Vali Kalantar, Morteza Bayareh, Mixing enhancement in an acousto-inertial microfluidic system , Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2023
4. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Performance analysis of a novel cyclone separator using RBFNN and MOPSO algorithms , Powder Technology, 2023
5. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Analysis of the vortical flow in a cyclone using four vortex identification methods , Powder Technology, 2023
6. Zahra Ghorbani Kharaji, Vali Kalantar, Morteza Bayareh, Acoustic sharp-edge-based micromixer: a numerical study , https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01994-0
7. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, Azam Usefian, Inertial separation of microparticles suspended in shear-thinning fluids , https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-022-02184-2
8. Zohre Alinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Behzad Ghasemi, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, An overview on collision dynamics of deformable particles , https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-022-02317-7
9. Morteza Bayareh, Active cell capturing for organ-on-a-chip systems: a review , 10.1515/bmt-2022-0232
10. MortezaBayareh, Exergy analysis of solar chimney power plants: A review , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2022.102568
11. Morteza Bayareh, Artificial diffusion in the simulation of micromixers: A review , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
12. Zahra Ghorbani Kharaji, Morteza Bayareh, Vali Kalantar, A review on acoustic field-driven micromixers , International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
13. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Mahmud Ashrafizaadeh, A numerical study on combined baffles quick-separation device , International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
14. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, An Overview of Numerical Simulations on Gas-Solid Cyclone Separators with Tangential Inlet , ChemBioEng Reviews
15. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Combination of inertial focusing and magnetoporetic separation in a novel microdevice , Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
16. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, Inertial focusing of CTCs in a novel spiral microchannel , Chemical Engineering Science
17. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, On magnetophoretic separation of blood cells using Halbach array of magnets , Meccanica
18. Morteza Bayareh, An updated review on particle separation in passive microfluidic devices , Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification
19. Nader Afshar, Morteza Bayareh, Study of laminar convection of non-Newtonian nanofluids in a tube under constant heat flux using new power law relation , International Journal of Heat and Technology
20. Elhan Usefi, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical simulation of the motion of a Taylor drop in a non-Newtonian fluid , SN Applied Sciences
21. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical and experimental investigation of an efficient convergent-divergent micromixer , Meccanica
22. Morteza Bayareh*, Sajad Amooshahi, Non-Newtonian effects on solid particles settling in sharp stratification , Fluid Dynamics Research
23. Morteza Bayareh*, Mohsen Nazemi Ashani, Azam Usefian, Active and passive micromixers: A comprehensive review , Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification
24. Morteza Bayareh a , Mohsen Nasr Esfahany b,* , Nader Afshar b , Mohsen Bastegani, Numerical study of slug flow heat transfer in microchannels , International Journal of Thermal Sciences
25. Milad Shirazi, Alireza Shateri, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical investigation of mixed convection heat transfer of a nanofluid in a circular enclosure with a rotating inner cylinder-- , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 133, 1061-1073, 2019
26. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, numerical study of heat transfer and pressure drop in a fuel cell with porous material , Annales de Chimie. Science des Materiaux, 42, 323, 2019
27. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical study of heat transfer and exergy analysis of a heat exchanger with single and double segmental baffles , Instrumentation, Mesure, Metrologie, 17, 641, 2019
28. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical study of heat transfer and exergy analysis of a heat exchanger with single and double segmental baffles , Instrumentation, Mesure, Metrologie, 17, 641, 2019
29. Mehran Sepyani, Alireza Shateri, Morteza Bayareh, Investigating the mixed convection heat transfer of a nanofluid in a square chamber with a rotating blade-- , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 135, 609-623, 2019
30. Sadegh Mohammadi Masiri, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Pairwise interaction of drops in shear-thinning inelastic fluids , Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 31, 25-34, 2019
31. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Rapid mixing of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in a three-dimensional micro-mixer using non-uniform magnetic field , Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research, 6, 55-61, 2019
32. Koorosh Zaheri, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Numerical simulation of the motion of solid particles in a stirred tank , Internationa Journal of Heat and Technology, 37, 109-116, 2019
33. Maryam Hassanzadeh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical simulation of the head-on collision of two drops in a vertical channel , Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41, 130, 2019
34. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Alireza Shateri, Nahid Taheri, Numerical study of electro-osmotic micromixing of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids , Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41, 238, 2019
35. Morteza Bayareh, Amireh Nourbakhsh, Fardin Rouzbahani, Majid Kouhini Tafreshi, Simulation of Sand Particles Flow Using a Weakly Compressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method (WCSPH) , Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, 43, 43-51, 2019
36. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical and experimental study on mixing performance of a novel electro-osmotic micro-mixer , Meccanica, 54, 1149-1162, 2019
37. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Nanofluid flow in a microchannel with inclined cross-flow injection , SN Applied Sciences,1, 1015, 2019
38. Morteza Bayareh, Amireh Nourbakhsh, Fardin Rouzbahani, Vahid Jouzaei, Explicit incompressible SPH algorithm for modelling channel and lid-driven flows , SN Applied Sciences, 1, 1040, 2019
39. Morteza Bayareh, Numerical simulation of heat transfer from three-dimensional model of human head in different environmental conditions , International Journal of Heat and Technology, 37, 803-810, 2019
40. Morteza Bayareh, Numerical study of slug flow heat transfer in microchannels , International Journal of Thermal Sciences
41. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Numerical simulation of the motion of a single drop in a shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Engineering,vol. 33, pp. 441-452, 2009.
42. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Density ratio effects on the hydrodynamic interaction between two drops in simple shear flow , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Engineering,Vol 35, No. M2, pp 121-132, 2011.
43. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S., Binary collision of drops in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers: geometry and viscosity ratio effects , Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 42, 604-611, 2011.
44. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S., Three-dimensional numerical simulation of drops suspended in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers , International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 37, 1315-1330, 2011.
45. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Equilibrium Position of a Buoyant Drop in Couette and Poiseuille Flows at Finite Reynolds Numbers , Journal of Mechanics, vol. 29, 53-58, 2013.
46. Bayareh M. , Dabiri S., Doostmohammadi A., Ardekani A. M ., On the rising motion of a drop in stratified fluids , Physics of Fluids, 25.10 (2013): 103302.
47. Bayareh M. , Dabiri S., Doostmohammadi A., Ardekani A. M , Rising motion of a swarm of drops in a linearly stratifed fluid , International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol 69, 8-17, 2015.
International Conference
48. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Numerical simulation of the interaction of two equal-size drops in a shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers , proceeding of ISME2009 (international conference), Tehran, Iran, pp. 323-324, 2009
49. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Geometry effects on the interaction of two equal-sized drops in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers , 5th international conference: Computational methods in multiphase flow (WIT), ,UK, 63, pp.379-388, 2009
50. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Migration of a drop in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers: size and viscosity ratio effects , Proceeding of international conference on mechanical engineering, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 287-293, 2010
51. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, A numerical study of the motion of a single drop in simple shear flow: density ratio effects , Proc. of International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET2010), Singapore, pp. 11-14, 2010
52. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S., Equilibrium position of a buoyant drop in simple shear flow , ISME2011, Birjand, Iran, 2011
53. Bayareh M, Lateral migration of a drop in plane Poiseuille flow at finite Reynolds numbers , ISME2011, Birjand, Iran, 2011
54. Bayareh M, The density ratio effects on the motion of a three-dimensional drop in Poiseuille flow at finite Reynolds numbers , IMAT2011, Malaysia, 2011
55. Bayareh M, Numerical simulation of unsteady flow around circular cylinder , IRCMET, Thailand, 2012
56. Bayareh M., Dabiri S., Ardekani A. M, Ascending motion of drops in linearly stratified fluids , 8th international conference on multiphase flow, Jeju, Corea, May 26-31, 2013
57. Bayareh M., Dabiri S., Ardekani A. M, Interaction between a pair of drops ascending in a linearly stratified fluid , Proceedings of ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Incline village, Nevada, USA, July 7-11, 2013
58. Bayareh M., Dabiri S., Ardekani A. M, Rising motion of a swarm of drops in a linearly stratified fluid , AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 3-8, 2013
59. Bayareh M., Dabiri S., Ardekani A. M., Ascending dynamics of a swarm of drops at Pycnocline , 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, PA. USA, Nov. 24-26, 2013
60. Bayareh M., Prandtl-number effects on the rising motion of a drop in a linearly stratified fluid , ICNFP2014, Turkey, July. 10-11, 2014
National Conference
٦١. Azimian A.R, & .Bayareh M, Hydrodynamics Study of Turbulent Flow around Circular Cylinder , proceeding of conference of Unsteady Aerodynamics, Iran, Tehran, 2006
٦٢. Bayareh M, & Sedaqat A.R, Simulation of an Unsteady Turbulent Jet and Study of Its Structural Stability , proceeding of conference of Unsteady Aerodynamics, Iran, Tehran, 2006
٦٣. Bayareh M. Azimian A.R, Turbocompressors instabilities and their control methods , National conference on mechanical engineering, Shiraz, Iran, 2011
64. Bayareh M., Equilibrium position of a buoyant drop in Couette and Poiseuille flows at finite Reynolds numbers , IWR2012, IUT, Iran, 2012



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