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افراسیاب رئیسی

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مهندسی مکانیک-سیالات

دانشکده فنی و مهندسی

تلفن: 03832324401


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زمینه های تحقیقاتی
   انتقال حرارت جابجایی آزاد و اجباری
   جابجایی در حضور میدان مغناطیسی
   سیالات غیر نیوتونی
   انتقال حرارت هدایتی در مقیاس های کوچک

سوابق تحصیلی
   کارشناسی ، مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد ، ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٧١
   کارشناسی ارشد، مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان، ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٧٤
   دکتری، مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان، ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٨٠

International Journal
1. A. Hajatzadeh Pordanjani, A. Raisi, A. Daneh-Dezfuli, Slip and non-slip flows of MHD nanofluid through microchannel to cool discrete heat sources in presence and absence of viscous dissipation , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 580 (2023) 170972
2. S. Adibpour, A. Raisi, A. Sajadi b , G. Rosengarten, A numerical examination on the use of phase change materials to improve the sun-tracking photovoltaic panels’ performance , Journal of Energy Storage 70 (2023) 108075
3. H.R. Askarifard Jahromi, A. Raisi, B. Ghasemi & A. Ahmadi Nadooshan, Numerical study of steady and periodic mixed convection of Bingham fluid in a narrow annulus with the exact Bingham model , NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER, PART A: APPLICATIONS, https://doi.org/10.1080/10407782.2023.2210261
4. S Rostami, AA Nadooshan, A Raisi, M. Bayareh, Optimization of different pin-fins on heat transfer and pressure drop of a heat sink for antifreeze liquid case , Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Available online 1 April 2023, 104811
5. H Eshgarf, AA Nadooshan, A Raisi, M Afrand, Experimental examination of the properties of Fe۳O۴/water nanofluid, and an estimation of a correlation using an artificial neural network , Journal of Molecular Liquids Volume 374, 15 March 2023, 121150
6. S Rostami, AA Nadooshan, A Raisi, Numerical assessment of the multi-phase nanofluid flow inside a microchannel during the melting and solidification of PCM in the thermal management of a heatsink , Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Volume 148, March 2023, Pages 267-278
7. H Eshgarf, AA Nadooshan, A Raisi , A review of multi-phase and single-phase models in the numerical simulation of nanofluid flow in heat exchangers , Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Volume 146, January 2023, Pages 910-927
8. M Baghoolizadeh, AA Nadooshan, A Raisi, The effect of photovoltaic shading with ideal tilt angle on the energy cost optimization of a building model in European cities , Energy for Sustainable Development Vol. 71, December 2022, Pages 505-516
9. P Alaei, B Ghasemi, A Raisi, A Torabi, A Pilot Project of TESS Equipped with Two Models of Encapsulation for Nano-Enhanced Organic PCMs , Advances in Building Energy Research Vol. 16, 2022 - Issue 5
10. Sara Rostami, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Afrasiab Raisi, Morteza Bayareh, Effect of using a heatsink with nanofluid flow and phase change material on thermal management of plate lithium-ion battery , Journal of Energy Storage Vol. 52, Part A, 1 August 2022, 104686
11. Eshgarf H, Nadooshan AA, Raisi A. Journal of Energy Storage. 2022 Jun 1;50:104648., An overview on properties and applications of magnetorheological fluids: Dampers, batteries, valves and brakes , ournal of Energy Storage. 2022 Jun 1;50:104648.
12. I. Pishkar, B. Ghasemi, A. Raisi, S. M. Aminossadati, Simulation of Variable Magnetic Field Effect on Natural Convection Heat Transfer of Fe۳O۴/Graphite Slurry based on Experimental Properties of Slurries , Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1- 41 , 2022
13. P. Alaei, B. Ghasemi, A. Raisi, A. Torabi, Experimental Investigation of Melting Process of Encapsulation Phase Change Material in Spiral Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger , International Journal of Heat and Technology, Vol. 39, No. 6, December, 2021, pp. 1812-1818
14. Sara Rostami, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Afrasiab Raisi, Morteza Bayareh, Modeling the thermal conductivity ratio of an antifreeze-based hybrid nanofluid containing graphene oxide and copper oxide for using in thermal systems , Journal of Materials Research and Technology Volume 11, March–April 2021, Pages 2294-2304
15. S.Adibpour, A.Raisi, B.Ghasemi, A.R.Sajadi, G.Rosengarten, Experimental investigation of the performance of a sun tracking photovoltaic panel with Phase Change Material , Renewable Energy, Volume 165, Part 1, March 2021, Pages 321-333
16. Milad Ghaneifar · Afrasiab Raisi · Hafz Muhammad Ali · Pouyan Talebizadehsardar, Mixed convection heat transfer of AL2O3 nanofuid in a horizontal channel subjected with two heat sources , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 143, pages2761–2774(2021)
17. Raisi A, Rostami S, Nadooshan AA, Afrand M, The examination of circular and elliptical vanes under natural convection of nanofluid in a square chamber subject to radiation effects , International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2020 Oct 1;117:104770
18. Ghaneifar M, Raisi A, Ali HM, Talebizadehsardari P, Mixed convection heat transfer of AL 2 O 3 nanofluid in a horizontal channel subjected with two heat sources , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2020 Jun 10:1-14.
19. Jahromi HA, Raisi A, Ghasemi B, Nadooshan AA., Numerical study of the Bingham fluid flow in a cylindrical enclosure with exact Bingham model , Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2020 Apr;42(4):1-15
20. R. Yadollahi Farsani, A. Raisi, Amirhoushang Mahmoudi, Successive melting and solidification of paraffin–alumina nanomaterial in a cavity as a latent heat thermal energy storage , 41: 368, 2019
21. Sara Rostami, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan , Afrasiab Raisi, The effect of hybrid nano-additive consists of graphene-oxide and copper-oxide on rheological behavior of a mixture of water and ethylene glycol , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019
22. Ahmad Hajatzadeh Pordanjani, A Raisi, B Ghasemi, Numerical simulation of the magnetic field and Joule heating effects on force convection flow through parallel-plate microchannel in the presence of viscous dissipation effect , Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 1-18, 2019
23. I Pishkar, B Ghasemi, A Raisi, SM Aminossadati, Numerical study of unsteady natural convection heat transfer of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in a square enclosure under oscillating heat flux , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-14, 2019
24. I Pishkar, B Ghasemi, A Raisi, SM Aminossadati, Natural Convective Heat Transfer of Magnetite/Graphite Slurry Under a Magnetic Field , Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 1-13, 2019
25. SM Vahedi, AH Pordanjani, A Raisi, AJ Chamkha, Sensitivity analysis and optimization of MHD forced convection of a Cu-water nanofluid flow past a wedge , The European Physical Journal Plus 134 (3), 124, 2019
26. Rostami, AA Nadooshan, A Raisi, An experimental study on the thermal conductivity of new antifreeze containing copper oxide and graphene oxide nano-additives , TPowder technology 345, 658-667, 2019
27. YYA Abadi, A Raisi, B Ghasemi, The effect of magnetic field on counterflows of nanofluids in adjacent microchannels separated by a thin plate , Heat Transfer Research 50 (4), 2019
28. RY Farsani, A Raisi, AA Nadooshan, S Vanapalli, The effect of a magnetic field on the melting of gallium in a rectangular cavity , Heat transfer engineering 40 (1-2), 53-65, 2019
29. E.K.Dehkordi, A. Raisi, B. Ghasemi, Numerical study of three dimensional microscale heat transfer of a thin diamond slab under fix and moving laser heating , Thermal Science, 2018
30. Afrasiab Raisi, The effect of conductive baffles on natural convection in a power-law fluid-filled square cavity , Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 40, 2018
31. A Raisi, I Arvin, A numerical study of the effect of fluid-structure interaction on transient natural convection in an air-filled square cavity , International Journal of Thermal Sciences 128, 1-14, 2018
32. M Mohamadi, MA Mehrabian, A Raisi, Heat transfer modelling in the Si–Ge nanoparticle composites by numerical solution of the equation of phonon radiative transfer , Micro & Nano Letters 13 (6), 788-793, 2018
33. MT Kohyani, B Ghasemi, A Raisi, SM Aminossadati, Melting of cyclohexane–Cu nano-phase change material (nano-PCM) in porous medium under magnetic field , AlJournal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 77, 142-151, 2017
34. R YadollahiFarsani, A Raisi, A Ahmadi Nadooshan, SrinivasVanapalli, Does nanoparticles dispersed in a phase change material improve melting characteristics , International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 89, 219-229, 2017
35. M Babajani, B Ghasemi, A Raisi, Numerical study on mixed convection cooling of solar cells with nanofluid , Alexandria Engineering Journal 56 (1), 93-103, 2017
36. A Raisi, Heat transfer in an enclosure filled with a nanofluid and containing a heat-generating conductive body , Applied Thermal Engineering 110, 469-480, 2017
37. M Mohamadi, A Raisi, MA Mehrabian, Numerical study of thermal conductivity reduction in nanolayered Si-Ge structures by solving the equation of phonon radiative transfer , J. Serb. Soc. Comput. Mechan.(JSSCM) 11 (1), 29-45, 2017
38. A Raisi, A Qanbary, Effect of magnetic field on forced convection between two nanofluid laminar flows in a channel , Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 29 (6), 1235-1243, 2016
39. A Raisi, Natural Convection of Non-Newtonian Fluids in a Square Cavity with a Localized Heat Source. , Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering 62 (10), 553-564, 2016
40. A Raisi, SM Aminossadati, B Ghasemi, An innovative nanofluid-based cooling using separated natural and forced convection in low Reynolds flows , Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 62, 259-266, 2016
41. A Raisi, SM Aminossadati, B Ghasemi, Magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection of a cu-water nanofluid in a vertical channel , Journal of Heat Transfer 135 (7), 074501, 2013
42. SM Aminossadati, A Raisi, B Ghasemi, Effects of magnetic field on nanofluid forced convection in a partially heated microchannel , International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 46 (10), 1373-1382, 2011
43. B Ghasemi, SM Aminossadati, A Raisi, Magnetic field effect on natural convection in a nanofluid-filled square enclosure , International Journal of Thermal Sciences 50 (9), 1748-1756, 2011
44. A Raisi, B Ghasemi, SM Aminossadati, A numerical study on the forced convection of laminar nanofluid in a microchannel with both slip and no-slip conditions , Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 59 (2), 114-129, 2011
45. S Saedodin, M Akbari, A Raisi, M Torabi, Calculation and investigation of temperature distribution and melt pool size due to a moving laser heat source using the solution of hyperbolic heat transfer equation , World Appl. Sci. J 11 (10), 1273-1281, 2010
46. A. Raisi, A.A. Rostami, Unsteady heat transport in direction perpendicular to a double-layer thin-film structure , Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A: Applications 41 (4), 373-390, 2002
47. Rostami AA, Raisi A., TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION AND MELT POOL SIZE IN A SEMI-INFINITE BODY DUE TO A MOVING LASER HEAT SOURCE , Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications. 1997 Nov 1;31(7):783-96.
Research Journal
48. Ramin Khodadadi, Afrasiab Raisi, Behzad Ghasemi , Numerical study of natural convection heat transfer of a Non-Newtonian power-law fluid inside a triangular cavity containing an isothermal heat source (In Persian) , Tabriz Mechanical Engineering Journal, ِDOI: 10.22034/JMEUT.2021.44724.2849
49. Adel Chidan, Afrasiab Raisi, Behzad Ghasemi , Numerical Study of Natural Convection Heat Transfer inside a Triangular Cavity with Flexible Sidewalls Containing a Cylindrical Heat Source (In Persian) , Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, ِDOI: 10.22060/MEJ.2021.19669.7087
50. M. Davoodi, B. Ghasemi, A. Raisi, Conjugate conduction and natural convection heat transfer in a cavity filled with nanofluid and purefluid which separated with an obstacle , Tabriz Mechanical Engineering Journal, 51(1). 87-96, 2021
51. H.R. Askarifard Jahromi , A. Raisi , B. Ghasemi , A. Ahmadi Nadooshan, Numerical simulation of mixed convection of Bingham fluid between two coaxial cylinders (In Persian) , Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, DOI: 10.22060/mej.2020.17979.6700
52. Rouhollah Yadollahi Farsani, Afrsiab Raisi, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Amin Shahsavar, Investigation with rheological behavior of liquid paraffin/Al2O3 nanofluid: Experimental approach , Energy Equipment and Systems 7 (2), 149-158, 2019
53. Ahmad Hajatzadeh Pordanjani, A Raisi, B Ghasemi, Effects of Viscous Dissipation on MHD Forced Convection of a Nanofluid in a Microchannel, , Tabriz Mechanical Engineering Journal, 49(1), 69-78,2019. (In Persian)
54. M. Mohamadi, M. A. Mehrabian A. Raisi, Improving Solid State Energy Conversion Efficiency Using Thermoelectric Nanostructures (In Persian) , Energy Engineering & Management, 8(3), 79-81, 2018
55. R YadollhiFarsani, A Raisi, A Ahmadi Nadooshan, Experimental Investigation of Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Paraffin/Alumina Nanofluids with a New Correlated Equation on Effective Thermal Conductivity , Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research, 2018
56. M. Ghasemi, B. Ghasemi, A. Raisi, Free convection of water-alumina nanofluid in a square cavity containing two pairs of thermal sources and sinks (IN Persian) , Journal of Modeling and Engineering, 15(49), 77-88, 2017
57. S. M. Hoseyni, B. Ghasemi, A. Raisi, Nanofluid Natural Convection in a Triangular Enclosure with Blade Heater (In Persian) , Tabriz Mechanical Engineering Journal, 47(2), 59-67, 2017
58. H Gholamrezaee, A Raisi, B Ghasemi, Mixed Convection of a Water-Al2O3 Nanofluid in an Open Square Cavity, Containing a Solid Body Heat Source , Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics 6 (1), 13-26, 2017
59. S. Fadaei Tehrani, A. Raisi, B. Ghasemi, Numerical study of laminar forced convection of nanofluid in a parallel plate channel with discrete heat sources (In Persian) , Journal of ASME, 18(2),29-54, 2016
60. A. M. Ghenaatian, A. Raisi, B. Ghasemi, Natural Convection Heat Transfer in an Inclined Square Enclosure Filled with Nanofluid in the Presence of Magnetic Field (In Persian) , Tabriz Mechanical Engineering Journal, 46(3), 155-165, 2016
61. A. M. Sherafat, B. Ghasemi, A. Raisi, Natural Convection Heat Transfer of a Heated Triangular Rod to its Coaxial Square Enclosure (In Persian) , Tabriz Mechanical Engineering Journal, 45(4), 55-65, 2016
62. M Tahmasebi, B Ghasemi, A Raisi, The effect of porosity and Cu-nanoparticles on melting of Cyclohexane in porous cavity , Modares Mechanical Engineering 16 (9), 165-174, 2016
63. A Raisi, A Kasaeipoor, Forced convective heat transfer of cu-water nanofluid over a constant surface temperature wedge , Journal of Solid and Fluid Mechanics, 6 (4), 343-353, 2016. (In Persian)
64. A Raisi, The influence of a pair constant temperature baffles on power-law fluids natural convection in a square enclosure , Modares Mechanical Engineering 15 (11), 215-224, 2016
65. M. Moradzadeh, B. Ghasemi, A. Raisi, Nanofluid mixed-convection heat transfer in a ventilated cavity with a baffle , JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AMIRKABIR (AMIRKABIR) 48 (3), 257-266, 2016
67. M. Tahmasebi- kohyani, B. Ghasemi, A. Raisi, Conjugated Natural Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer in a Square Cavity Containing a Porous Medium and a Solid Body Heat Source (In Persian) , AEROSPACE MECHANICS JOURNAL, 10(2), 31-39, 2014
68. A. Raisi, M. Davoudian, The Effect of magnetic field on the natural Convection of a nanofluid in a Square enclosure with a membrane separator in the middle , Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal, 14(5), 111-120, 2014
69. A Kasaeipoor, B Ghasemi, A Raisi, Magnetic field on nanofluid water-Cu natural convection in an inclined T shape cavity , Modares Mechanical Engineering Journal 14 (12), 179-189, 2014
70. R Mazooji, A Raisi, Effect of Viscous dissipation on gaseous flow heat transfer in a horizontal microchannel with rarefaction and axial conduction , MODARES MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 13 (6), 83-95, 2013
71. M Jafari, B Ghasemi, A Raisi, SM Aminossadati, Natural convection in two porous media separated by a solid wall , Int. J. Heat Tech 28, 95-102, 2010

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