شنبه ٢٧ بهمن ١٤٠٣

مرتضی بیاره


مهندسی مکانیک-سیالات

دانشکده فنی و مهندسی

تلفن: 038-3444-2141


دفتر کار مجازی

زمینه های تحقیقاتی
   دینامیک سیالات محاسباتی
   جریان های چند فازی
   جریان مغشوش

سوابق تحصیلی
   پسا دکتری، مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه نوتردام، ایالات متحده امریکا، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٩١
   دکتری، مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان، ایران ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٨٧
   کارشناسی ارشد، مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان، ایران ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٨١
   کارشناسی ، مهندسی مکانیک، دانشگاه خلیج فارس بوشهر ، ایران ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٧٩

International Journal
1. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Experimental and numerical investigation on the performance of a gas-solid cyclone with twisted baffles and roughened cone surface , Powder Technology, 2023
2. Morteza Bayareh, Azam Usefian, Simulation of parabolic trough solar collectors using various discretization approaches: A review , Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2023
3. Zahra Ghorbani, Vali Kalantar, Morteza Bayareh, Mixing enhancement in an acousto-inertial microfluidic system , Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2023
4. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Performance analysis of a novel cyclone separator using RBFNN and MOPSO algorithms , Powder Technology, 2023
5. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Analysis of the vortical flow in a cyclone using four vortex identification methods , Powder Technology, 2023
6. Zahra Ghorbani Kharaji, Vali Kalantar, Morteza Bayareh, Acoustic sharp-edge-based micromixer: a numerical study , https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-021-01994-0
7. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, Azam Usefian, Inertial separation of microparticles suspended in shear-thinning fluids , https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-022-02184-2
8. Zohre Alinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Behzad Ghasemi, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, An overview on collision dynamics of deformable particles , https://doi.org/10.1007/s11696-022-02317-7
9. Morteza Bayareh, Active cell capturing for organ-on-a-chip systems: a review , 10.1515/bmt-2022-0232
10. MortezaBayareh, Exergy analysis of solar chimney power plants: A review , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2022.102568
11. Morteza Bayareh, Artificial diffusion in the simulation of micromixers: A review , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
12. Zahra Ghorbani Kharaji, Morteza Bayareh, Vali Kalantar, A review on acoustic field-driven micromixers , International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
13. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, Mahmud Ashrafizaadeh, A numerical study on combined baffles quick-separation device , International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
14. Ehsan Dehdarinejad, Morteza Bayareh, An Overview of Numerical Simulations on Gas-Solid Cyclone Separators with Tangential Inlet , ChemBioEng Reviews
15. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Combination of inertial focusing and magnetoporetic separation in a novel microdevice , Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering
16. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, Inertial focusing of CTCs in a novel spiral microchannel , Chemical Engineering Science
17. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, On magnetophoretic separation of blood cells using Halbach array of magnets , Meccanica
18. Morteza Bayareh, An updated review on particle separation in passive microfluidic devices , Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification
19. Nader Afshar, Morteza Bayareh, Study of laminar convection of non-Newtonian nanofluids in a tube under constant heat flux using new power law relation , International Journal of Heat and Technology
20. Elhan Usefi, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical simulation of the motion of a Taylor drop in a non-Newtonian fluid , SN Applied Sciences
21. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical and experimental investigation of an efficient convergent-divergent micromixer , Meccanica
22. Morteza Bayareh*, Sajad Amooshahi, Non-Newtonian effects on solid particles settling in sharp stratification , Fluid Dynamics Research
23. Morteza Bayareh*, Mohsen Nazemi Ashani, Azam Usefian, Active and passive micromixers: A comprehensive review , Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification
24. Morteza Bayareh a , Mohsen Nasr Esfahany b,* , Nader Afshar b , Mohsen Bastegani, Numerical study of slug flow heat transfer in microchannels , International Journal of Thermal Sciences
25. Milad Shirazi, Alireza Shateri, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical investigation of mixed convection heat transfer of a nanofluid in a circular enclosure with a rotating inner cylinder-- , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 133, 1061-1073, 2019
26. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, numerical study of heat transfer and pressure drop in a fuel cell with porous material , Annales de Chimie. Science des Materiaux, 42, 323, 2019
27. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical study of heat transfer and exergy analysis of a heat exchanger with single and double segmental baffles , Instrumentation, Mesure, Metrologie, 17, 641, 2019
28. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical study of heat transfer and exergy analysis of a heat exchanger with single and double segmental baffles , Instrumentation, Mesure, Metrologie, 17, 641, 2019
29. Mehran Sepyani, Alireza Shateri, Morteza Bayareh, Investigating the mixed convection heat transfer of a nanofluid in a square chamber with a rotating blade-- , Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 135, 609-623, 2019
30. Sadegh Mohammadi Masiri, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Pairwise interaction of drops in shear-thinning inelastic fluids , Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 31, 25-34, 2019
31. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Rapid mixing of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in a three-dimensional micro-mixer using non-uniform magnetic field , Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Research, 6, 55-61, 2019
32. Koorosh Zaheri, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Numerical simulation of the motion of solid particles in a stirred tank , Internationa Journal of Heat and Technology, 37, 109-116, 2019
33. Maryam Hassanzadeh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical simulation of the head-on collision of two drops in a vertical channel , Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41, 130, 2019
34. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Alireza Shateri, Nahid Taheri, Numerical study of electro-osmotic micromixing of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids , Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41, 238, 2019
35. Morteza Bayareh, Amireh Nourbakhsh, Fardin Rouzbahani, Majid Kouhini Tafreshi, Simulation of Sand Particles Flow Using a Weakly Compressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method (WCSPH) , Annales de Chimie - Science des Matériaux, 43, 43-51, 2019
36. Azam Usefian, Morteza Bayareh, Numerical and experimental study on mixing performance of a novel electro-osmotic micro-mixer , Meccanica, 54, 1149-1162, 2019
37. Afshin Shiriny, Morteza Bayareh, Afshin Ahmadi Nadooshan, Nanofluid flow in a microchannel with inclined cross-flow injection , SN Applied Sciences,1, 1015, 2019
38. Morteza Bayareh, Amireh Nourbakhsh, Fardin Rouzbahani, Vahid Jouzaei, Explicit incompressible SPH algorithm for modelling channel and lid-driven flows , SN Applied Sciences, 1, 1040, 2019
39. Morteza Bayareh, Numerical simulation of heat transfer from three-dimensional model of human head in different environmental conditions , International Journal of Heat and Technology, 37, 803-810, 2019
40. Morteza Bayareh, Numerical study of slug flow heat transfer in microchannels , International Journal of Thermal Sciences
41. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Numerical simulation of the motion of a single drop in a shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Engineering,vol. 33, pp. 441-452, 2009.
42. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Density ratio effects on the hydrodynamic interaction between two drops in simple shear flow , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Engineering,Vol 35, No. M2, pp 121-132, 2011.
43. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S., Binary collision of drops in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers: geometry and viscosity ratio effects , Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 42, 604-611, 2011.
44. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S., Three-dimensional numerical simulation of drops suspended in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers , International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 37, 1315-1330, 2011.
45. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Equilibrium Position of a Buoyant Drop in Couette and Poiseuille Flows at Finite Reynolds Numbers , Journal of Mechanics, vol. 29, 53-58, 2013.
46. Bayareh M. , Dabiri S., Doostmohammadi A., Ardekani A. M ., On the rising motion of a drop in stratified fluids , Physics of Fluids, 25.10 (2013): 103302.
47. Bayareh M. , Dabiri S., Doostmohammadi A., Ardekani A. M , Rising motion of a swarm of drops in a linearly stratifed fluid , International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol 69, 8-17, 2015.
International Conference
48. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Numerical simulation of the interaction of two equal-size drops in a shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers , proceeding of ISME2009 (international conference), Tehran, Iran, pp. 323-324, 2009
49. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Geometry effects on the interaction of two equal-sized drops in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers , 5th international conference: Computational methods in multiphase flow (WIT), ,UK, 63, pp.379-388, 2009
50. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, Migration of a drop in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers: size and viscosity ratio effects , Proceeding of international conference on mechanical engineering, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 287-293, 2010
51. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S, A numerical study of the motion of a single drop in simple shear flow: density ratio effects , Proc. of International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET2010), Singapore, pp. 11-14, 2010
52. Bayareh M. & Mortazavi S., Equilibrium position of a buoyant drop in simple shear flow , ISME2011, Birjand, Iran, 2011
53. Bayareh M, Lateral migration of a drop in plane Poiseuille flow at finite Reynolds numbers , ISME2011, Birjand, Iran, 2011
54. Bayareh M, The density ratio effects on the motion of a three-dimensional drop in Poiseuille flow at finite Reynolds numbers , IMAT2011, Malaysia, 2011
55. Bayareh M, Numerical simulation of unsteady flow around circular cylinder , IRCMET, Thailand, 2012
56. Bayareh M., Dabiri S., Ardekani A. M, Ascending motion of drops in linearly stratified fluids , 8th international conference on multiphase flow, Jeju, Corea, May 26-31, 2013
57. Bayareh M., Dabiri S., Ardekani A. M, Interaction between a pair of drops ascending in a linearly stratified fluid , Proceedings of ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Incline village, Nevada, USA, July 7-11, 2013
58. Bayareh M., Dabiri S., Ardekani A. M, Rising motion of a swarm of drops in a linearly stratified fluid , AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 3-8, 2013
59. Bayareh M., Dabiri S., Ardekani A. M., Ascending dynamics of a swarm of drops at Pycnocline , 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh, PA. USA, Nov. 24-26, 2013
60. Bayareh M., Prandtl-number effects on the rising motion of a drop in a linearly stratified fluid , ICNFP2014, Turkey, July. 10-11, 2014
National Conference
٦١. Azimian A.R, & .Bayareh M, Hydrodynamics Study of Turbulent Flow around Circular Cylinder , proceeding of conference of Unsteady Aerodynamics, Iran, Tehran, 2006
٦٢. Bayareh M, & Sedaqat A.R, Simulation of an Unsteady Turbulent Jet and Study of Its Structural Stability , proceeding of conference of Unsteady Aerodynamics, Iran, Tehran, 2006
٦٣. Bayareh M. Azimian A.R, Turbocompressors instabilities and their control methods , National conference on mechanical engineering, Shiraz, Iran, 2011
64. Bayareh M., Equilibrium position of a buoyant drop in Couette and Poiseuille flows at finite Reynolds numbers , IWR2012, IUT, Iran, 2012

کتب و جزوات
١. مرتضی بیاره، زهره علی نژاد، احمد حاجت زاده، سجاد براتی، رئولوژي و سيالات غيرنيوتني، انتشارات جهاد دانشگاهی اصفهان
٢. مرتضی بیاره، سعید ادیب پور، سوخت و احتراق، انتشارات جهاد دانشگاهی اصفهان

١. پژوهشگر برتر استان در گروه فنی و مهندسی سال 1399

پایان نامه ها
ردیف نام دانشجو عنوان تاریخ دفاع
١. مسعود هاشمی مطالعه عددی اثر میدان گرما بر کیفیت اختلاط در یک میکرومیکسر فعال شنبه ٩ تیر ١٤٠٣
٢. زهره علی نژاد شبیه سازی عددی مستقیم برخورد دو قطره با امولسیون دوگانه در سیال لایه ای خطی سه شنبه ٢٠ شهريور ١٤٠٣
٣. مهسافتحی هفشجانی شبیه سازی سه بعدی و تاثیرمیدان الکتریکی بر عملکرد یک سیکلون مربعی شنبه ٤ آذر ١٤٠٢
٤. رویا محمدعلی شبیه سازی اثر اندازه و شکل پذیری بر جدایش ذرات در دستگاه های میکروسیالی منحنی وجابجایی اجباری در عرض دوشنبه ٢٧ شهريور ١٤٠٢
٥. زهرا طاهری مطالعه ی عددی جداسازی آکوستیک سلول های سرطانی در یک سیال غیرنیوتنی با استفاده از ترانسدیوسرهای مورب سه شنبه ١٤ شهريور ١٤٠٢
٦. علی نبی فر خفری شبیه‌سازی میکروپمپ صوتی بر مبنای محرک پیزوالکتریک سه شنبه ٨ شهريور ١٤٠١
٧. سهراب حاتمی ناغانی تبدیل کمپرسور دو سیلندر به موتور استرلینگ و تحلیل پارامتر‌های مؤثر بر عملکرد آن شنبه ١٢ شهريور ١٤٠١
٨. فاطمه محسنی عراق مقایسه جداسازی سلول های سرطانی در سیالات نیوتنی و غیرنیوتنی سه شنبه ٨ شهريور ١٤٠١
٩. نرگس جعفری شبیه سازی عددی یک میکرومیکسر غیرفعال جدید برای سیالات نیوتونی و غیرنیوتونی چهارشنبه ٣٠ مهر ١٣٩٩
١٠. افشین شیرینی مطالعه‌ی عددی جداسازی ذرات در یک دستگاه میکروسیالی به کمک میدان مغناطیسی سه شنبه ٢٢ مهر ١٣٩٩
١١. ریحانه فرج زاده مطالعه عددی ناپایداری کلوین- هلمهولتز برای سیالات غیرنیوتنی در حالت دو بعدی سه شنبه ٩ مهر ١٣٩٨
١٢. رضا جعفریان ریزی بهینه سازی و تحلیل انرژی و اگزرژی نیروگاه حرارتی بخار ذوب آهن اصفهان سه شنبه ٢ مهر ١٣٩٨
١٣. محسن بستکانی مطالعه عددی حرکت قطره های آب بر روی سطح شیب دار آب گریز تحت جریان یکنواخت باد یکشنبه ٢٤ شهريور ١٣٩٨

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