شنبه ٢٧ بهمن ١٤٠٣

سید مرتضی هاتفی


مهندسی عمران

دانشکده فنی و مهندسی

تلفن: 03832324401


دفتر کار مجازی

زمینه های تحقیقاتی
   مدیریت زنجیره تامین
   طراجی شبکه لجستیک مستقیم-معکوس
   مدیریت و کنترل پروژه
   مدیریت ساخت
   تصمیم گیری چند معیاره
   بهینه سازی در شرایط عدم قطعیت

سوابق تحصیلی
   دکتری، مهندسی صنایع، دانشگاه تهران، ایران ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٩٢
   کارشناسی ارشد، مهندسی صنایع، دانشگاه تهران، ایران ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٨٧

International Journal
1. N Aghili Mahabadi, HR Zarif Sanayei, SM Hatefi (2022), Prioritization of Low-Impact Development Methods for Management of Urban Surface Runoff, Using the Fuzzy TOPSIS and TOPSIS Method (Case Study: Sepahan-Shahr Town, Isfahan) , Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering 53 (11), 18-18
2. SM Hatefi, H Asadi, G Shams, J Tamošaitienė, Z Turskis (2021), Model for the Sustainable Material Selection by Applying Integrated Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory and Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) Method , Sustainability 13 (18), 10438
3. SM Hatefi, H Asadi, G Shams (2020), Designing a fuzzy inference system for contractor selection under uncertainty , Iran University of Science & Technology 10 (4), 715-732
4. S. M. Hatefi, ME Basiri, J Tamošaitienė (2019), An evidential model for environmental risk assessment in projects using dempster–shafer theory of evidence , Sustainability 11(22), 6329
5. SM Hatefi, SM Moshashaee, I Mahdavi (2019), A bi-objective programming model for reliable supply chain network design under facility disruption , International Journal of Integrated Engineering 11 (6), 80-92
6. SM Hatefi, A Haeri (2019), Evaluating hospital performance using an integrated balanced scorecard and fuzzy data envelopment analysis , Journal of Health Management & Informatics 6 (2), 66-76
7. SM Hatefi, J Tamošaitienė (2019), An integrated fuzzy DEMATEL-fuzzy ANP model for evaluating construction projects by considering interrelationships among risk factors , Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 25 (2), 114-131
9. R Kamgar, SM Hatefi, N Majidi (2018), A Fuzzy Inference System in Constructional Engineering Projects to Evaluate the Design Codes for RC Buildings , Civil Engineering Journal 4 (9), 2155-2172.
10. D Mohamadi Janaki, H Izadbakhsh, SM Hatefi (2018), The Effect of Information Sharing on the Assessment of Supply Chain Performance in Uncertain Conditions , International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research 10, 72-82.
11. SM Hatefi, J Tamošaitienė (2018), Construction projects assessment based on the sustainable development criteria by an integrated fuzzy AHP and improved GRA model , Sustainability 10 (4), 991
12. SM Hatefi, SA Torabi (2018), A slack analysis framework for improving composite indicators with applications to human development and sustainable energy indices , Econometric Reviews 37 (3), 247-259
13. D Janaki, H Izadbakhsh, SM Hatefi , The evaluation of supply chain performance in the Oil Products Distribution Company, using information technology indicators and fuzzy TOPSIS technique , Management Science Letters 8 (8), 835-848
14. SM Hatefi (2018), Strategic planning of urban transportation system based on sustainable development dimensions using an integrated SWOT and fuzzy COPRAS approach , Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 4 (1), 99-112
15. SM Hatef, SF Jamshidi (2017), Application of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Topsis for Evaluation and , Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (1), 99-103
16. SM Hatefi, A Haeri, M Fasanghari (2017), A slack analysis framework for IT risk processes management through risk IT framework , International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 26 (1), 1-15
18. SM Hatefi, M Fasanghari (2016), A dea-based approach for information technology risk assessment through risk information technology framework Risk , The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 22(39), 51-58.
19. SA Torabi, N Pourreza, SM Hatefi (2015), A common weight multi-criteria decision analysis-data envelopment analysis approach with assurance region for weight derivation from pairwise comparison matrices , International Journal of Engineering 28 (12), 1746-1755
20. SA Torabi, J Namdar, SM Hatefi, F Jolai (2016), An enhanced possibilistic programming approach for reliable closed-loop supply chain network design , International Journal of Production Research 54 (5), 1358-1387
21. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, (2016), Integrated Forward-reverse Logistics Network Design under Uncertainty and Reliability Consideration , Scientia Iranica. Transaction E, Industrial Engineering 23 (2), 721
22. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, (2015), Reliable Forward-Reverse Logistics Network Design under Partial and Complete Facility Disruptions , International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 20, pp. 370-394.
23. A Haeri, SM Hatefi, K Rezaie, (2015), Forecasting about EURJPY exchange rate using hidden Markov model and CART classification algorithm , Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Technology, In press
24. SM Hatefi, Mehdi Fasanghari, (2015), A DEA-Based Approach for Information Technology Risk Assessment through Risk IT Framework , International Arab Journal of Information Technology, In press
25. SM Hatefi, SA Torabi, (2015), A Common Weight Linear Optimization Approach for Multicriteria ABC Inventory Classification , Advances in Decision Sciences, Article ID 645746, 11 pages
26. A Haeri, K Rezaie, SM Hatefi, (2014), Developing an approach for decision making units integration using multi objective particle swarm optimization , International Journal of Engineering & Technology 4 (1), 48-53
27. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, (2014), Reliable design of an integrated forward-revere logistics network under uncertainty and facility disruptions: A fuzzy possibilistic programing model , KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, pp. 1-12, In Press.
28. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, SA Torabi, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, (2014), A credibility-constrained programming for reliable forward–reverse logistics network design under uncertainty and facility disruptions , International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, pp. 1-15, In Press.
29. SM Hatefi, SA Torabi, P Bagheri, (2014), Multi-criteria ABC inventory classification with mixed quantitative and qualitative criteria , International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 52, pp. 776-786.
30. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, (2014), Robust and reliable forward–reverse logistics network design under demand uncertainty and facility disruptions , Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 38, pp. 2630–2647.
31. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, (2013), A model for classification of intermediate measures and evaluating the performance of chain and its members , International Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 17, pp. 199-214.
32. SM Hatefi, J Razmi (2013) , An integrated methodology for supplier selection and order allocation in the presence of imprecise data , International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 15, pp. 51-68.
33. A Azadeh, SM Hatefi, H Kor, (2012), erformance improvement of a multi product assembly shop by integrated fuzzy simulation approach , Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 23, pp. 1861-1883.
34. SA Torabi, SM Hatefi, B Saleck Pay, (2012), ABC inventory classification in the presence of both quantitative and qualitative criteria , Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 63, pp. 530-537.
35. A Azadeh, H Kor, SM Hatefi, (2011), A hybrid genetic algorithm-TOPSIS-computer simulation approach for optimum operator assignment in cellular manufacturing systems , Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 34, pp. 57-74.
36. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, (2010), A new model for classifying inputs and outputs and evaluating the performance of DMUs based on translog output distance function , Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 34, pp. 1439-1449.
37. SM Hatefi, SA Torabi, (2010), A common weight MCDA–DEA approach to construct composite indicators , Ecological Economics, Vol. 70, pp. 114-120.
38. H Iranmanesh, SM Hatefi, M Sharafi, (2008), A Model to Increase Flexibility of Precedence Relations in Project Network , World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 250-260.
39. M Sharafi, F Jolai, H Iranmanesh, SM Hatefi, (2008), A model for project scheduling with fuzzy precedence links , Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 2, pp. 1356-1361.
Research Journal
٤٠. Seyed Morteza Hatefi, Hassan Mohseni (2019), Evaluating and prioritizing the risks of BOT projects using structural equations and integrated model of fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS , Journal Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 111-130
٤١. Seyed Morteza Hatefi, Nazanin Koohi Habibi, Elham Abdollahi (2019), Evaluating investment potential tourism centers using integrated model of fuzzy Shannon’s entropy and fuzzy ARAS method , Tourism Management Studies Volume 14 Issue 48 Pages 269-302
٤٢. Seyed Morteza Hatefi, Ali Heidari (2019), Evaluating construction projects based on the risk factors by using an integrated fuzzy AHP and fuzzy VIKOR model , Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, 5, 4, 156-175
International Conference
43. A Haeri, B Ostadi, SM Hatefi, (2015), Developing a model to increase utilization of project resources , 11th International Industrial Engineering Conference, complete article, Tehran
44. SA Torabi, J Namdar, SM Hatefi, (2015), A New Possibilistic Programming Approach for Reliable Closed Loop Logistic Network Design under Disruption , 11th International Industrial Engineering Conference, complete article, Tehran.
45. A Azadeh, SM Hatefi, H Kor, (2009), Design of fuzzy Simulation in fuzzy manufacturing Environment: Case study , 6th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Sharif University, Tehran.
46. A Azadeh, H Kor, SM Hatefi, (2008), hybrid GA-TOPSIS Approach for Optimum Operator Assignment in CMS , 6th International Management Conference, Sharif University, Tehran.
47. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, H Kor, (2009), A new model for classifying inputs and outputs and evaluating the DMUs efficiency in DEA based on Cobb-Douglas production function , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 1, pp. 390-394.
48. A Azadeh, H Kor, SM Hatefi, (2009), A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Optimum Operator Assignment in CMS , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 1, pp. 42-46.
49. SM Hatefi, F Jolai, H Iranmanesh, H Kor, (2009), A new DEA model for classification intermediate measures and evaluating supply chain and its members , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 1, pp. 457-461.
50. A Azadeh, SM Hatefi, H Kor, (2009), Simulating Fuzzy Manufacturing System: Case Study , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 1, pp. 505-509.
51. F Jolai, H Kor, SM Hatefi, H Iranmanesh, (2009), A genetic algorithm for makespan minimization in a no-wait flow shop problem with two batching machines , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09 , Vol. 2, pp. 238-242.
52. H Kor, H Iranmanesh, H Haleh, SM Hatefi, (2009), A multi-objective genetic algorithm for optimization of cellular manufacturing system , International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, ICCET'09, Vol. 1, pp. 252-256.

کتب و جزوات


پایان نامه ها
ردیف نام دانشجو عنوان تاریخ دفاع
١. مهرنوش چائی چیان انتخاب سیستم ساختمانی بهینه با استفاده از تلفیق روش های تصمیم گیری چند معیاره در شرایط عدم قطعیت شنبه ٢٠ بهمن ١٤٠٣
٢. هانیه احمدی شناسایی و ارزیابی ریسک ها در پروژه های انبوه سازی با استفاده از تلفیق FMEA و روش های محاسبات نرم سه شنبه ٢٨ شهريور ١٤٠٢
٣. سید فرزاد فیلسوف ارزیابی و مدیریت ریسک های ایمنی در کاهش حوادث کارگاهی در پروژه های ساخت و ساز بر اساس روش های Fuzzy FMEAو Fuzzy TOPSIS شنبه ٢١ مرداد ١٤٠٢
٤. پردیس روشنایی طراحی یک مدل یکپارچه آنتروپی شانون فازی و مولتی مورای فازی برای ارزیابی سطح هوشمندی ساختمان (مطالعه موردی : هتل های اصفهان) چهارشنبه ١٦ شهريور ١٤٠١
٥. محمد عباس کاظم طراحی یک سیستم استنتاج فازی برای ارزیابی کیفیت آب های زیر زمینی به منظور شرب در شرایط عدم قطعیت شنبه ٧ اسفند ١٤٠٠
٦. سید احسان میرستاری شناسایی و ارزیابی مخاطرات و ریسک‌های ایمنی، بهداشت و محیط‌زیست (HSE) در فازهای ساخت تا تولید پروژه های صنعت پتروشیمی با استفاده از تئوری شواهد دمپستر-شافر (مطالعه موردی پتروشیمی لردگان) سه شنبه ١٢ بهمن ١٤٠٠
٧. مائده رامهرمزی طراحی یک سیستم استنتاج فازی برای ارزیابی ساختمان هوشمند سه شنبه ١٢ بهمن ١٤٠٠
٨. حمیده اسدی آقبلاغی ارزیابی پایداری پروژه های ساخت با استفاده از سیستم استنتاج فازی و تئوری شواهد دمپستر شافر یکشنبه ٢٧ مهر ١٣٩٩

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