شنبه ٢٧ بهمن ١٤٠٣

هیثم حیدرزاده


مهندسی عمران

دانشکده فنی و مهندسی

تلفن: +98-(0)38-3232-4424

Heidarzadeh@sku.ac.ir; Heidarzadeh@ut.ac.ir

دفتر کار مجازی

زمینه های تحقیقاتی
   مدل های رفتاری
   روش های عددی و تحلیلی مخصوصا در مهندسی ژئوتکنیک
   آزمایشات آزمایشگاهی و میدانی
   دینامیک خاک
   ژئوتکنیک لرزه ای
   تونل و سازه های زیرزمینی
   مهندسی پی
   سیستم های دفن زباله
   نیلینگ و انکراژ

سوابق تحصیلی
   دکتری، مهندسی عمران، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، ایران ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٩٥
   کارشناسی ارشد، مهندسی عمران، دانشگاه تهران ، ایران ، تاريخ فارغ التحصيلی: ١٣٨٨

International Journal
1. Reza Kamgar, Mahshid Salimian, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Rasoul Alipour, Improving the seismic performance of the structure based on minimization of the total damage index and distribution of the damage uniformly at the height of the structure , Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ۲۰۲۴
2. M. Oliaei, R. Kamgar, H. Heidarzadeh, R. Jankowski, Modification of the Reloading Plastic Modulus in Generalized Plasticity Models for Soil by Introducing a New Equation for the Memory Parameter in Cyclic Loadings , Applied Sciences, 14 (2024) 4418
3. M. Falahatpour, M. Oliaei, H. Heidarzadeh, Development of an elastoplastic constitutive model in the framework of the multilaminate method for numerical analyses of geotechnical structures , Scientia Iranica (2024)
4. H. Heidarzadeh, M. Oliaei, A. Komakpanah, A Developed Constitutive Model for Sand and Clay under Monotonic and Cyclic Loadings , International Journal of Geomechanics, 23 (2023) 04023133
5. M. Alibabaei Shahraki, R. Kamgar, H. Heidarzadeh, Assessing the seismic behavior of structures controlled with a novel elastoplastic-tuned mass damper inerter considering the effects of soil-structure interactions , Structures, 57 (2023) 105265
6. M. Alibabaei Shahraki, R. Kamgar, H. Heidarzadeh, Damage-based design of multiple tuned mass dampers to improve the seismic performance of steel frame structures , Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 173 (2023) 108062
7. M. Ranjkesh Ghahnavieh, R. Kamgar, H. Heidarzadeh, A design-oriented model for FRP well-confined concrete cylinders under axial loading , Structures, 38 (2022) 1005-1017
8. A. Mehrabani, H. Heidarzadeh, R. Kamgar, Monitoring and estimating pull-out force produced by inclined-micropile groups with various characteristics , Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15 (2022) 263
9. N. Majidi, A. Heidari, A. Fatehi, H. Heidarzadeh, Estimation of earthquake frequency content and its effect on dynamic analysis using continuous and discrete wavelet transform , Scientia Iranica, 29 (2022) 2773-2788
10. Arash Saeidi Rashk Olia, Mohammad Oliaei, Heidarzadeh H (2021) , Performance of Ground Anchored Walls Subjected to Dynamic and Pseudo-Static Loading , Civil Engineering Journal 7 (9):974-987. doi:10.28991/cej-2021-03091703
11. Dadkhah M, Kamgar R, Heidarzadeh H (2021), Improving the nonlinear seismic performance of steel moment-resisting frames with minimizing the ductility damage index , SN Applied Sciences 3 (1):86. doi:10.1007/s42452-021-04141-2
12. Kamgar R, Heidarzadeh H, Babadaei Samani MR (2021) , Evaluation of buckling load and dynamic performance of steel shear wall retrofitted with strips made of shape memory alloy , Scientia Iranica 28 (3):1096-1108. doi:10.24200/sci.2020.52994.2991
13. Oliaei M, Heidarzadeh H, Mansouri S, 3D Numerical Analyses for Optimization of Deep-Mixing Columns Combined by Raft Foundations , Indian Geotechnical Journal. (2021) doi:10.1007/s40098-021-00541-8
14. Salimi M, Kamgar R, Heidarzadeh H, An evaluation of the advantages of friction TMD over conventional TMD , Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 6 (2):95. (2021) doi:10.1007/s41062-021-00473-5
15. Kamgar, R., Salimi Naghani, M., Heidarzadeh, H., and Nasiri Ardali, F., Modeling nanoclay effects on different parameters of a clayey sand , Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, pp., 2020
16. Heidarzadeh, H. and Kamgar, R. , Necessity of applying the concept of the steady state on the numerical analyses of excavation issues: laboratory, field and numerical investigations , Geomechanics and Geoengineering, pp. 1-13, 2022
17. Heidarzadeh, H. and Kamgar, R., Evaluation of the Importance of Gradually Releasing Stress Around Excavation Regions in Soil Media and the Effect of Liners Installation Time on Tunneling , Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 38 (2), pp. 2213-2225, 2020
18. Dadkhah, M., Kamgar, R., Heidarzadeh, H., Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska, A., and Jankowski, R. , Improvement of Performance Level of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Using Tuned Mass Damper System , Applied Sciences, 10 (10), pp. 3403, 2020.
19. Dadkhah, M., Kamgar, R., and Heidarzadeh, H., Reducing the Cost of Calculations for Incremental Dynamic Analysis of Building Structures Using the Discrete Wavelet Transform , Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2020
20. Arjenaki, M.O., Sanayei, H.R.Z., Heidarzadeh, H., and Mahabadi, N.A., Modeling and investigating the effect of the LID methods on collection network of urban runoff using the SWMM model (case study: Shahrekord City) , Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2020
21. Reza Kamgar, Fatemeh Gholami Dizicheh, Hamed Reza Zarif, Heisam Heidarzadeh,, Modified tuned liquid dampers for seismic protection of buildings considering soil–structure-interaction effects , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2019
22. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Hadi Bagherinejad, Heisam Heidarzadeh, A new formulation for prediction of the shear capacity of FRP in strengthened reinforced concrete beams , Soft Computing, 2019
23. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Evaluation of Modified Cam-Clay Constitutive Model in FLAC and its Development by FISH Programming , European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/19648189.2018.1521752
24. Heidarzadeh H, Oliaei M, Development of a Generalized Model Using a New Plastic Modulus Based on Bounding Surface Plasticity , Acta Geotechnica, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-017-0599-0
25. Heidarzadeh H, Oliaei M, An Efficient Generalized Plasticity Constitutive Model with Minimal Complexity and Required Parameters , KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12205-017-1037-4
26. Heidarzadeh H, Oliaei M, Latifi M, Applying an Appropriate Cap in an Elastoplastic Model with Open Bounding and yield Surfaces at High Pressures , Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016, 9 (18):1-7
Research Journal
27. A.R. Seifoddin, H. Heidarzadeh, H. Zarif-Sanaei, Using wavelet theory in the dynamic analyses of retaining walls coupled with soil medium , Modares Civil Engineering journal, 1 (2024)
28. A. Ghotbi, M. Oliaei, H. Heidarzadeh, Dynamic coupled analysis of large-diameter steel piles located in liquefiable soil layers , Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering, 54 (2023) 4271-4286
29. NorouzOliaei M, Hosseini Me, Heidarzadeh H (2021), Laboratory investigation of the NanoMontmorillonite clay effect on Strength and Plasticity properties of the clayey sand , Sharif Journal of Civil Engineering:-. doi:10.24200/j30.2021.55263.2719
٣٠. Rahimbasiri, A., Oliaei, M., and Heidarzadeh, H., Experimental study of pressure grouted soil interface resistance by direct shear tests , Modares civil engineering journal, 19 (20), pp., 2020
٣١. Omidi Arjenaki, M., Zarif Sanayei, H.R., and Heidarzadeh, H., Investigation of Performance and Determination of Optimal Dimensions of Surface Runoff Collection Network Using SWMM Model , Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering, pp. -, 2020
٣٢. Omidi Arjenaki, M., Zarif Sanayei, H.R., and Heidarzadeh, H. , Urban Surface Runoff Simulation and Prioritization of Critical Sub Catchments Using SWMM Model and TOPSIS Method (Case Study: Shahrekord City) , Journal of Water and Wastewater, pp., 2020.
٣٣. Kamgar, R., Majidi, N., and Heidarzadeh, H., Optimum layout of mega buckling-restrained braces to optimize the behavior of tall buildings subjected to blast load , The Scientific Journal of Advanced Defence Science and Technology, 2019
34. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Reza Babadaei Samani, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Optimization of nonlinear viscous damper characteristics to reduce the response of concrete structures with linear and nonlinear behaviours , Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, 2019
٣٥. Heidarzadeh H, Olyaei M, Evaluation of the Effect of the Yield Surface Shape on Static and Dynamic Analyses of Geotechnical Structures , Sharif Journal (Civil Engineering), 2016 April; 32-2(2): 15-26 (In Persian)
٣٦. Heidarzadeh H, Latifi M,, Evaluation of Different State Parameters' Effect on Modification of a Bounding Surface Elasto-plastic Model , Sharif Journal (Civil Engineering), 2012 June; 28-2(2):57-64 (In Persian)
International Conference
37. Alipour R, Heidarzadeh H, Site Response Variations by Ground Improvement , the 8th International Conference on Seismology & Earthquake Engineering, Tehran, Iran (2019)
38. Jamshidi E, Kamgar R, Heidarzadeh H, Evaluation of the results of finite element and Isogeometry analysis methods in analyzing of four node elements , the 6th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Development, Tehran, Iran (2019)
39. Jamshidi E, Kamgar R, Heidarzadeh H, A comparison between the results of the finite element method and Isogeometric analysis method for the analysis of the Kirchoff rectangular plats (In Persian) , the National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, Tabriz Islamic Art University (2020)
40. Omidi M, Zarif Sanayei HR, Heidarzadeh H, Investigating the Impact of Use of Permeable Pavement on Urban Surface Runoff Rate (Case Study: Farhangian district of Shahrekord) , the 9th International Conference on Sustainable Development & Urban Construction, Esfahan (2019)
41. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, Mehdi Sadeghi, Numerical evaluation of steel shear wall with circular openings in comparison with the thin steel shear wall without opening (In Persian) , ۲nd international conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management In Iran, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2019
42. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, nvestigation of anisotropic (or non-isotropic) soil behavior with emphasis on sandy soil behavior (In Persian) , ۲nd international conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management In Iran, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2019
٤٣. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Evaluating the Effects of the Green-Lagrange Strain and Engineering Stain Tensors on the Soil Parameters , International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management in Iran, 2018 Tehran, Iran
٤٤. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Considering the Creep Behavior of Soft Soils (Clays) , International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management in Iran, 2018 Tehran, Iran
٤٥. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, Mitra Salimi Naghani and Mehdi Karimian, Investigating the effect of bentonite nanoclay on soil specific density (Gs) (In Persian) , ۷th National and ۳thInternational Conference on Modern Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering, Hamedan, Iran
٤٦. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Fatemeh Rahimi Rigi and Mehdi Karimian, Effect of adding nanoclay on the prosity content of clay (In Persian) , ۷th National and ۳thInternational Conference on Modern Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering, Hamedan, Iran
٤٧. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh and Fatemeh Nasiri Ardali, Effect of adding nanoclay and moisture content on the compressive strength of clay (In Persian) , International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management in Iran, Tehran, Iran
٤٨. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Presentation of models in hypo-elasticity and hypo-plasticity frameworks in a simple way , 5th.International Congress on Civil Engineering , Architecture and Urban Development 2017, Shahid Beheshti University , Tehran , Iran
٤٩. Afshani A, Heidarzadeh H, Galandarzadeh A, Represented Soil Thickness Criteria in 2800 Standard, Proceeding of 8th International congress in civil engineering , Shiraz, Iran, May 2009; Vol (1): 752-760. (In Persian)
٥٠. Heidarzadeh H, Latifi M, Consideration of the Effects of Two State Parameters on Modifying Constitutive Models , Shiraz, Iran, May 2009; Vol (1):. (In Persian)
National Conference
51. Karimzadeh M, Heidari A, Heidarzadeh H, Javdanian H, Investigation of Parameters of strong Ground Motion in Three Earthquakes of Torbat-e-Heydariyeh, Zarrat and Ziveh by Direct Method and Wavelet Transform Method , the 2nd Conference o Civil engineering, Architecture & Urban Planning of the Islamic Countries, Tabriz, Iran (2019)
52. Karimzadeh M, Heidari A, Heidarzadeh H, Javdanian H , Estimation of Data of Effective Design Acceleration A95 Arias Intensity and Characteristic Intensity of Torbat-e-Heydariyeh, Zarrat and Ziveh Earthquakes using Wavelet Transform , the 2nd Conference o Civil engineering, Architecture & Urban Planning of the Islamic Countries, Tabriz, Iran (2019)
53. Hamed Reza Zarif, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Majid Omidi, Niloofar Aghili, The effect of green-roof on urban runoff using SWMM model - case study: Farhangiyan Alley in Shahrekord , 7th comprehensive conference on flood engineering and management, 2019
54. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Mohammad Reza Babadaei Samani, Rehabilitation of steel shear wall using shape memory alloy (In Persian) , ۱۱th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Shiraz, Iran, 2019
55. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Fatemeh Nasiri Ardali, Mitra Salimi Naghani, Evaluation the effect of bentonite nanoclay on shear strength of sandstone soil (In Persian) , ۱st National Conference on Infrastructure Engineering, Urmia, Iran, 2019
56. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Masoud Dadkhah, Determination of the optimum location for the tuned mass damper at stories of the structure to improve the seismic performance of the steel structures (In Persian) , ۶th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering,Architecture and Urban Management, 2019
57. R Kamgar, H Heidarzadeh, M Salimi Naghani, The effect of applying the friction tuned mass dampers on the reduction of seismic response of structures (In Persian) , ۶th.National Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, ۱۰-۱۲ December ۲۰۱۹,Tehran , Iran
٥٨. Heidarzadeh H, Latifi M, Modification of a Two-Open-Surface Elasto-Plastic Model Using an Appropriate Cap , Proceeding of 5th National congress in civil engineering, Mashhad, Iran, May 2011
٥٩. Heidarzadeh H, Majdzadeh M, Evaluation of 1D Flow velocity in the Compound Channels , Proceeding of 5th National congress in civil engineering, Mashhad, Iran, May 2011

کتب و جزوات
١. رضا کامگار هيثم حيدرزاده چوري رسول عالي پور ، مفاهيم کاربردي مهندسي زلزله با رويکرد ديناميک سازه و ژئوتکنيک لرزه اي، 1398
٢. هیثم حیدرزاده، تحلیل پیشرفته مسائل خاک و سنگ (ژئوتکنیک) با برنامه نویسی به زبان FISH در FLAC، انتشارات جهاد دانشگاهی واحد اصفهان، چاپ اول، 1397


پایان نامه ها
ردیف نام دانشجو عنوان تاریخ دفاع
١. محمدمهدی کریمی تحلیل عددی فونداسیون رادیه شمع منفصل با در نظر گرفتن اثر کلاهک و ژئوسنتتیک‌ها تحت بارگذاری استاتیکی و لرزه‌ای سه شنبه ٢٣ بهمن ١٤٠٣
٢. حسن عاطفت پیشه ظرفیت باربری خاک در بالادست ترانشه های پایدارشده به کمک روش های مختلف پایدارسازی و مقایسه اقتصادی آنها سه شنبه ٢٣ بهمن ١٤٠٣
٣. مهشید سلیمیان بهینه‌سازی پارامترهای سیستم کنترلی به‌منظور توزیع یکنواخت شاخص خرابی در ارتفاع سازه چهارشنبه ١٦ شهريور ١٤٠١
٤. احمد رضا سیف الدین تأثیر استفاده از تئوری موجک در تحلیل دینامیکی دیوارهای حائل چهارشنبه ١٦ شهريور ١٤٠١
٥. علی رحیمیان مطالعه مسیر تنش در مراحل مختلف ساخت تا بهره‌برداری از سازه‎های هیدرولیکی چهارشنبه ١١ اسفند ١٤٠٠
٦. صادق کاوسی رکعتی بررسی رفتار دینامیکی ساختمان‌های فولادی در مجاورت شیروانی های خاکی دوشنبه ٢ اسفند ١٤٠٠
٧. آرش مهربانی ارزیابی تاثیر زاویه نصب برروی ظرفیت کششی میکروپایل فولادی مدفون در خاک (جهت حفظ پایداری مخازن آب) شنبه ١٧ اسفند ١٣٩٨

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