International Journal |
1. Reza Kamgar, Masoud Dadkhah, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Mahmoud Seidali Javanmardi, Utilizing Tuned Mass Damper for Reduction of Seismic Pounding between Two Adjacent Buildings with Different Dynamic Characteristics , Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 188, 2025 |
2. Reza Kamgar, Mahshid Salimian, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Rasoul Alipour, Improving the seismic performance of the structure based on minimization of the total damage index and distribution of the damage uniformly at the height of the structure , Journal of Structural Design and Construction Practice, 30(1), 2025 |
3. Farshad Rahmani, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Rossana Dimitri, Francesco Tornabene, NURL-based Isogeometric Analysis for Free Vibration of Functionally Graded Sandwich Plates Using Higher Order Formulations , International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2024 |
4. Mohammad Oliaei, Reza kamgar, heisam Heidarzadeh, Robert Jankowski, Modification of the reloading plastic modulus in generalized plasticity models for soil by introducing a new equation for the memory parameter in cyclic loadings , Applied Science, 2024, 14(11), 4418; |
5. Reza Kamgar, Farshad Rahmani, Reza Rahgozar, Geometrical and material optimization of the functionally graded doubly-curved shell by metaheuristic optimization algorithms , Structures, 2024, 65, pp. 1-16. |
6. Alireza Jahangiri, Nushin Forouhi, Ahmad Jamekhorshid, Mohammed Mehdi Farid, Reza Kamgar , Performance evaluation of the concrete containing fatty acids as thermal energy storage medium , Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2024, 36(5), pp. 1-10. |
7. Mohammad Alibabaei Shahraki, Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Assessing the seismic behavior of structures controlled with a novel elastoplastic-tuned mass damper inerter considering the effects of soil-structure interactions , Structures, 2023, 57, 105265 |
8. Reza Kamgar, Houman Ebrahimpour Komleh, Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska, Robert Jankowski, Estimation of the ultimate strength of FRP strips-to-masonry substrates bond , Applied Sciences, 13(12), pp. 1-21. DOI: 10.3390/app13126955 |
9. Mohammad Alibabaei Shahraki, Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Damage-based design of multiple tuned mass dampers to improve the seismic performance of steel frame structures , Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 173, 108062, DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2023.108062 |
10. Mehdi Omidi Mouri; Reza Kamgar; Ali Reza Jahangiri, A comprehensive formula to predict the shear contribution of FRP sheets in strengthened reinforced concrete deep beams , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2023 |
11. Reza Kamgar, Seyed Ali Mahmoudy, Sobhan Rostami , Improving the performance of replaceable shear links made of shape memory alloy , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering (2022) |
12. Reza Kamgar, Masoud Dadkhah, Hosein Naderpour, Earthquake-Induced nonlinear dynamic response assessment of structures in terms of discrete wavelet transform , Structures, 2022,, Vol. 39, pp. 821-847. |
13. Mohammad Ranjkesh, Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, A design-oriented model for FRP well-confined concrete cylinders under axial loading , Structures, 2022, Vol. 38, pp. 1005-1017. |
14. Arash Mehrabani, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, Monitoring and Estimating pull-out force produced by inclined-micropile groups with various characteristics , Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2022 |
15. Farshad Rahmani, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Analysis of metallic and functionally graded beams using isogeometric approach and Carrera Unified Formulation , Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023, 30(4), p.p. 894-911 |
16. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Reza Babadaei Samani, Numerical study for evaluating the effect of length to height ratio on the behavior of concrete frame retrofitted with steel infill plates , Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE, 2022 |
17. Mitra Salimi, Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, An evaluation of the advantages of friction TMD over conventional TMD , Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s41062-021-00473-5 |
18. Sobhan Rostami, Reza Kamgar, Insight to the newmark implicit time integration method for solving the wave propagation problems , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2021, Accepted |
19. Farshad Rahmani; Reza Kamgar; Reza Rahgozar, Optimum material distribution of porous functionally graded plates using Carrera Unified Formulation based on isogeometric analysis , Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022, 29(20), pp. 2927-2941. |
20. Reza Kamgar, Reihaneh Tavakoli, Peyman Rahgozar, Robert Jankowski, Application of discrete wavelet transform in seismic nonlinear analysis of soil-structure interaction problems , Earthquake Spectra, 2021, |
21. Reza Kamgar, Masoud Dadkhah, Hosein Naderpour, Seismic response evaluation of structures using discrete wavelet transform through linear analysis , Structures, 2021, Vol: 29, 863-882 |
22. Reza Kamgar, Noorollah Majidi, Ali Heidari, Wavelet-based decomposition of ground acceleration for efficient calculation of seismic response in elastoplastic structures , Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2020, |
23. Masoud Dadkhah, Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Improving the nonlinear seismic performance of steel moment-resisting frames with minimizing the ductility damage index , SN Applied Sciences, 3, 86 (2021). |
24. Reza Kamgar, Peyman Rahgozar, Optimum location for the belt truss system for minimum roof displacement of steel buildings subjected to critical excitation , Steel and Composite Structures, 2020, 37(4), pp. 463-479. |
25. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Mohammad Reza Babadaei Samani, Evaluation of buckling load and dynamic performance of steel shear wall retrofitted with strips made of shape memory alloy , Scientia Iranica, 2020, p.p: 1-27 |
26. Yosef Askari Dolatabad, Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Amin Jamali Tazangi, Effects of perlite, leca, and scoria as lightweight aggregates on properties of fresh and hard self-compacting concretes , Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 2020, 18(10), pp. 633-647 |
27. Nastaran Sheini Shahvand, Hamed Reza Zarif Sanayei, Reza Kamgar, Modeling the gradually varied flow profile in circular and parabolic channels using the Adomian decomposition method , Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2020 |
28. Reza Kamgar, Mitra Salimi Naghani, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Fatemeh Nasiri Ardali, Modeling nanoclay effects on different parameters of a clayey sand , Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2021, 7, 795-808. |
29. Farshad Rahmani, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Finite element analysis of functionally graded beams using different beam theories , Civil Engineering Journal-Tehran, 2020, 6(11), pp. 2086-2102 |
30. Masoud Dadkhah, Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reducing the cost of calculations for incremental dynamic analysis of building structures using the discrete wavelet transform , Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2020, Accepted |
31. Mohammad Hadi Bagherinejad, Reza Kamgar, Improvement of the results of finite element method in plate analysis using mesh sizing modifying function , International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 2020, 12(8), pp. 31-43. |
32. Reihaneh Tavakoli, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Optimal location of energy dissipation outrigger in high-rise building considering nonlinear soil-structure interaction effects , Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 2020, 64(3), pp. 887-903. |
33. Masoud Dadkhah, Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska, Robert Jankowski, Improvement of performance level of steel moment-resisting frames using tuned mass damper system , Applied Sciences, 2020, 10, 3403; doi:10.3390/app10103403 |
34. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, Necessity of applying the concept of the steady state on the numerical analyses of excavation issues: laboratory, field and numerical investigations , Geomechanics and Geoengineering, An International Journal, Taylor and Francis, 2022, 17(2), pp. 413-425 |
35. Reza Kamgar, Hosein Naderpour, Houman Ebrahimpour Komeleh, Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska, Robert Jankowski, A proposed soft computing model for ultimate strength estimation of frp-confined concrete cylinders , Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(5), 1769; DOI: 10.3390/app10051769 |
36. Farshad Rahmani, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Optimum design of long-term deflection in segmented prestress bridges by considering the effects of creep and shrinkage , International Journal of Optimization In Civil Engineering, 2020, 10(2), pp. 315-331. |
37. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, Evaluation of the importance of gradually releasing stress around excavation regions in soil media and the effect of liners installation time on tunneling, 2020, 38(2), pp. 2213–2225 , Geotechnical and Geological Engineering |
38. Mahmoud Mohammadrezapour Tabari, Mitra Nasr Azadani, Reza Kamgar, Development of operation multi-objective model of dam reservoir under conditions of temperature variation and loading using NSGA-II and DANN models: A case study of Karaj AmirKabir dam , Soft Computing, 2020, pp.1-31, DOI: (Accepted) |
39. Yousef Askari Dolatabad, Reza Kamgar, Iman Gouhari Nezad, Rheological and mechanical properties, acid resistance and water penetrability of lightweight self-compacting concrete containing Nano-SiO2, Nano-TiO2, and Nano-Al2O3 , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2020, 44, pp. 603-618 |
40. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Hadi Bagherinejad, Heisam Heidarzadeh, A new formulation for prediction of the shear capacity of FRP in strengthened reinforced concrete beams , Soft Computing, 2020, 24(9): pp. 6871–6887. |
41. Reihaneh Tavakoli, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Seismic performance of outrigger-braced system based on finite element and component-mode synthesis methods , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2020, 44, pp. 1125–1133 |
42. Reza Kamgar, Fatemeh Gholami Dizicheh, Hamed Reza Zarif, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Modified tuned liquid dampers for seismic protection of buildings considering soil–structure-interaction effects , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2020, 44, pp. 339-354. |
43. Ali Heidari, Jalil Raeisi Dehkordi, Reza Kamgar, The application of wavelet theory with denoising to estimate the parameters of earthquake , Scientia Iranica, International Journal of Science & Technology, 2019, DOI: 10.24200/SCI.2019.50675.1815 |
44. Reihaneh Tavakoli, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Seismic performance of outrigger–belt truss system considering soil–structure interaction , International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering, 2019, 11(1): pp.45-54 |
45. Reza Kamgar, Seyed Morteza Hatefi, Noorollah Majidi, A fuzzy inference system in constructional engineering projects to evaluate the design codes for RC buildings , Civil Engineering Journal, 4(9), 2018. 2155-2172. |
46. Reihaneh Tavakoli, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, The best location of belt truss system in tall buildings using multiple criteria subjected to blast loading , Civil Engineering Journal, 4(6), 2018, PP. 1338-1353 |
47. Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Critical excitation method for determining the best location of belt truss system in tall buildings (2017) , Iranian Journal of Structural Engineering, 4(2), 76-88. |
48. Mohsen Khatibinia, Hossein Gholami, Reza Kamgar, Optimal design of tuned mass dampers subjected to continuous stationary critical excitation , International Journal of Dynamics and Control (2017), |
49. Reza Kamgar, Parham Samea, Mohsen Khatibinia, Optimizing parameters of tuned mass damper subjected to critical earthquake , The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2017, 10.1002/tal.1460 |
50. Hamed Javdanian, Ali Heidari, Reza Kamgar, Energy-based estimation of soil liquefaction potential using GMDH algorithm , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering. 41(2017), pp. 1-13. |
51. Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Determination of optimum location for flexible outrigger systems intall buildings with constant cross section consisting of framed tube, shear core, belt truss and outrigger systemusing energy method , International Journal of Steel Structures, 17(2017), pp. 1-8. |
52. Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, A simple method for determining the response of linear dynamic systems , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer, Vol. 17, pp. 785-801, 2016 |
53. Reza Kamgar, Saeed Shojaee, Reza Rahgozar, Rehabilitation of tall buildings by active control system subjected to critical seismic excitation , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer, 16(2015), pp. 819-833. |
54. Rzea Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Determination of critical excitation in seismic analysisof structures , Earthquakes and Structures, 9(2015), pp. 875-891. |
55. Ali Heidari, Reza Rahgozar, Reza Kamgar, Free vibration analysis of tall buildings with geometrical discontinuities , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer, 15(2014), pp. 107-122. |
56. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Mehdi Saadatpour, A simple mathematical model for free vibration analysis of combinedsystem consisting of framed tube, shear core, belt truss and outriggersystem with geometrical discontinuities , Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(2012), pp. 4918–4930. |
57. Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, A simple approximate method for free vibration analysis offramed tube structures , The Structural Design of Tall & Special Buildings, 22(2013), pp. 217-234. |
Research Journal |
58. Reza Kamgar, Seyed Ali Mahmoudi, Roham Zakavi, Evaluation of steel frame equipped with the replaceable shear link made of shape memory alloy under the impact load , Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering, 12(4), pp. 66-85. 2024 |
59. Armin Fatholahi, Samin Sadat Sajadieh, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rohani Sarvestani, Rasoul Alipour, Evaluating the optimization of impact of shading in Tehran urban space based on comparison techniques: the case study in BRT station , International Journal of Optimization inCivil Engineering, 2023, 13(3): 367-377 |
60. Mehrzad Torkzadeh, Hamed Reza Zarif Sanayee, Reza Kamgar, Optimum design and construction of hydraulic sections of parabolic water transmitting channels using the Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm , Journal of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, DOI: 10.30486/ADMT.2023.1965621.1374 |
61. Reza Kamgar, Rasoul Alipour, Sobhan Rostami, The effect of blast positive impact duration on the maximum responses of a nonlinear dynamic system , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 2021. 12(4): pp. 577-594. |
62. Siamak Shabankhah, Ali Heidari, Reza Kamgar, Optimum level of discrete wavelet decomposition for dynamic analysis of hydraulic structures , International Journal of Optimization In Civil Engineering, 2021, 11(4), pp. 631-646. |
٦٣. Reza Kamgar, Raheleh Dehghan, Reza Rahgozar, Performance of lead core rubber bearing and viscous damper in steel structures (In Persian) , Bulletin of Earthquake Science and Engineering, 2020 |
64. Ali Shariati, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Optimum layout of nonlinear fluid viscous damper for improvement the responses of tall buildings , International Journal of Optimization In Civil Engineering, 2020, 10(3), pp. 411-431 |
٦٥. Reza Kamgar, Noorollah Majidi, Ali Heidari , 1-20 ,(12)52 ,(Continuous wavelet and fourier transform methods for the evaluation of the properties of critical excitation (In Persian) , Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering |
٦٦. Hamed Reza Zarif Sanayei, Reza Kamgar, Nastaran Sheni Shahvand , Obtaining gradually varied flow profile in trapezoidal and triangular channels using semi-analytical method of Adomian decomposition (In Persian) , Journal of Irrigation Sciences and Engineering (JISE) |
٦٧. Reza Kamgar, Noorollah Majidi, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Optimum layout of mega buckling-restrained braces to optimize the behavior of tall buildings subjected to blast load (In Persian) , The Scientific Journal of Advanced Defence Science and Technology, 2020, 3, pp. 211-232 |
٦٨. Reza Kamgar, Yousef Askari, Noorollah Majidi, The effect of blast load and earthquake load on the nonlinear behavior of structures (In Persian) , Bulletin of Earthquake Science and Engineering, 2020, 7(2), pp. 119-132 |
٦٩. Reza Kamgar, Hamed Reza Zarif, Fatemeh Gholami Dizicheh , Investigation of the performance of modified tuned liquid damper in controlling the response of a structure with linear and nonlinear behavior (In Persian) , Iranian Society of Civil Engineering, 54, pp-57-71 |
70. Reza Kamgar, Yousef Askari Dolatabad, Mohammad Reza Babadaei Samani, Seismic optimization of steel shear wall using shape memory alloy , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering (BHRC), 2019, 9(4): 671-687 |
71. Reza Kamgar, Peyman Rahgozar, Reducing static roof displacement and axial forces of columns in tall buildings based on obtaining the best locations for multi-rigid belt truss outrigger systems , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 20(6). pp. 759-768. DOI: |
٧٢. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Reza Babadaei Samani, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Optimization of nonlinear viscous damper characteristics to reduce the response of concrete structures with linear and nonlinear behaviours , Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering |
73. Reza Kamgar, Mohsen Khatibinia, Meisam Khatibinia, Optimization criteria for design of tuned mass dampers including soil–structure interaction effect , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 9(2019), pp. 213-232. |
٧٤. Reza Kamgar, Gholam Reza Shams, The Effect of Blast Load in Nonlinear Dynamic Response of the Core of the Buckling Restrained Braces (In Persian) , The Scientific Journal of Advanced Defence Science and Technology, 1, 107-118, In Persian. |
75. Ali Heidari, Jalil Reisi Dehkordi, Reza Kamgar, Application of wavelet theory in determining of strong ground motion parameters , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 8(۲۰۱8), pp. 103-115. |
٧٦. Reza Kamgar, Mohsen Khatibinia, Multi-objective optimization design of tuned mass damper system subjected to critical excitation , Modares Civil Engineering Journal (Scientific Research Quarterly), Accepted |
77. Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Determination of optimum location for flexible outrigger systems in non-uniform tall buildings using energy method , International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering, 5(2015), pp. 433-444. |
Promotion Journal |
78. Ali Salajeghe, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Improving the behavior of non-uniform tall structures in determining the optimum location of belt truss system , Computational Engineering and Physical Modeling, 2020, 3(3), pp. 38-49. |
International Conference |
79. Rasoul Alipour, Reza Kamgar, Rehabilitation of damaged concrete slippers by soil improvement , ۱۲th International Congress on Civil Engineering, 2021, Mashhad, Iran |
٨٠. Raheleh Dehghan, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Influence of structure-soil-structure Interaction on adjacent structures , 9th International Conference on Earthquake and Structures |
٨١. Farshad Rahmani, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Comparison of classical and third-order shear deformation theory in finite element analysis of plates (In Persian) , 9th International Conference on Earthquake and Structures |
٨٢. Farshad Rahmani, Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Evaluation of Isogeometric analysis and finite element methods in the plate element using first-order shear deformation theory , 9th International Conference on Earthquake and Structures |
٨٣. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, Investigation of anisotropic (or non-isotropic) soil behavior with emphasis on sandy soil behavior (In Persian) , 2nd international conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management In Iran, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran |
٨٤. Heisam Jeidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, Mehdi Sadeghi, Numerical evaluation of steel shear wall with circular openings in comparison with the thin steel shear wall without opening (In Persian) , 2nd international conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management In Iran, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran |
٨٥. Reza Kamgar, Ali Reza Jahangiri, Mehdi Omidi, Evaluation of shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with FRP strips (In Persian) , 3rd International Conference on Applied Researches in Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran |
٨٦. Reza Kamgar, Fatemeh Gholami Dizicheh, The corrosion effect on the bending capacity of steel beams (In Persian) , 3rd International Conference on Applied Researches in Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran |
٨٧. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Fatemeh Nasiri Ardali, Mitra Salimi Naghani, Evaluation the effect of bentonite nanoclay on shear strength of sandstone soil (In Persian) , 1st National Conference on Infrastructure Engineering, Urmia, Iran |
٨٨. Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, Mitra Salimi Naghani and Mehdi Karimian, Investigating the effect of bentonite nanoclay on soil specific density (Gs) (In Persian) , 7th National and 3th International Conference on Modern Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering, Hamedan, Iran |
٨٩. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Fatemeh Rahimi Rigi and Mehdi Karimian, Effect of adding nanoclay on the prosity content of clay (In Persian) , 7th National and 3th International Conference on Modern Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering, Hamedan, Iran |
٩٠. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh and Fatemeh Nasiri Ardali, Effect of adding nanoclay and moisture content on the compressive strength of clay (In Persian) , International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management in Iran, Tehran, Iran |
٩١. Reza Kamgar, Mahdi Shahbaz, Evaluation the dynamic behavior of cylindrical reservoirs considering fixed base and the effect of soil-structure interaction , International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management in Iran, Tehran, Iran |
٩٢. Reza Kamgar, Fatemeh Gholami, Hamed Reza Zarif Sanayei, Using the modified tuned liquid damper in reduction the responses of linear structures , 7th National and 3th International Conference on Modern Materials and Structures in Civil Engineering, Hamedan, Iran (In Persian). |
٩٣. Reza Kamgar, Fatemeh Gholami, Hamed Reza Zarif Sanayei, Vibration control of linear single degree of freedom system using tuned liquid damper , International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Management in Iran, Tehran, Iran (In Persian). |
٩٤. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Mehrabi Habib Abadi, Dynamic analysis of bridge with and without considering the effect of pile (In Persian) , 4th. International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning, Shiraz, Iran |
٩٥. Reza Kamgar, Ali Heidari and Shirin Pahlavan Sadegh, Evaluation of linear and nonlinear acceleration response spectra using wavelet theory (In Persian) , 5th. International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran, 2017 |
٩٦. Reza Kamgar, Gholam Reza Shams and Mohsen Soleimani Dashtaki, Evaluation and comparison of cyclic behavior of ordinary and buckling restrained braces subjected to the blast load (In Persian) , 5th. International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran, 2017 |
٩٧. Seyed Jamal Mir Shafienia, Ali Heidari and Reza Kamgar, Damage detection in marine platform using modal strain energy (In Persian) , 4th National Conference and 2th International Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management, Tehran, Iran, 2017 |
98. Jalil Raisi Dehkordi, Ali Heidari, Reza Kamgar, Application of wavelet theory in determining accumulative absolute velocity of earthquakes , 3rd Iran International Conference on Structural Engineering, 2017, Tehran, Iran |
٩٩. Ali Heidari, Jalil Reisi Dehkordi and Reza Kamgar, Evaluation of characteristic intensity of different earthquakes using wavelet transform (In Persian) , 4th National Conference and 2th International Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management, Tehran, Iran, 2017 |
١٠٠. Ali Heidari, Jalil Reisi Dehkordi and Reza Kamgar, Evaluation of Arias Intensity of different earthquakes using wavelet transform (In Persian) , 3th National Conference on Iranian Structural Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2017 |
١٠١. Ali Heidari, Mohammad Javad Baiati and Reza Kamgar, Damage detection in structures using properties of vibration (In Persain) , 4th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran, 2016 |
١٠٢. Ali Heidari, Mohammad Javad Baiati and Reza Kamgar, Evaluation the structural damage using modal analysis (In Persian) , 4th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran, 2016 |
١٠٣. Ali Heidari, Mohammad Javad Baiati and Reza Kamgar, Evaluating the occurrence of damage in the structure using dynamic properties (In Persain) , 4th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran, 2016 |
١٠٤. Reza Kamgar, Evaluation of nonlinear dynamic responses of single degree of freedom system with different plasticity models subjected to the earthquake load (In Persian) , 7th National Conference and 2th International Conference on Structure and Steel, Tehran, Iran, 2017 |
١٠٥. Reza Kamgar and Hamed Javdanian, Evaluation of positive phase duration in nonlinear response of single degree of freedom system subjected to the blast load (In Persian) , The International Conference on New Researches in Engineering Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 2016 |
١٠٦. Hamed Javdanian and Reza Kamgar, Evaluation of liquefaction potential based on energy concept using statistical studies (In Persian) , The International Conference on New Researches in Engineering Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 2016 |
١٠٧. Reza Kamgar, Evaluation of effective components in determining the optimum location of belt truss and outrigger system using energy method (In Persain) , 3th National Conference and 1th International Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management, Tehran, Iran, 2016 |
١٠٨. Hamid Ghanbari, Javad Salajegheh, Houman Ebrahimpour Komleh and Reza Kamgar, Evaluation of different tubular systems of tall buildings subjected to wind and seismic loading: case study (In Persain) , 2h International Congress and 6th National Congress on Earthquake and Structures, Kerman, Iran, 2015 |
١٠٩. Reza Kamgar and Reza Rahgozar, Critical excitation method for single degree of freedom systems (In Persian) , 10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Tabriz, Iran, 2015 |
110. Reza Kamgar, Reza Rahgozar, Free vibration analysis of combined system with variable cross section , Sixth International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2011, Tehran, Iran. |
111. Amir Masoud Sanayei, Behzad Rafezy, Reza Kamgar, Evaluating the effect of symmetry on seismic bahavior of irregular
buildings in plan , 7th International Conference on Seismology & Earthquake Engineering |
National Conference |
١١٢. Rasoul Alipour, Reza Kamgar, Investigating the existing situation of construction materials in the control of gas resource crisis management (In Persian) , Iran's first crisis management event in 1401 |
١١٣. Parastoo Mohebi, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, The concept of hypoplastic to simulate the cyclic behavior of clays (In Persian) , Fifth National Conference on Applied Mechanical Engineering |
١١٤. Ali Mohammad Limouchi Tarazi, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Reza Kamgar, Modifying the dynamic load of an earthquake by different methods and comparing their performance in the dynamic analysis of earthen roofs in finite element and finite difference analyses (In Persian) , Fifth National Conference on Applied Mechanical Engineering |
١١٥. Reza Kamgar, Effective factors in determining the optimal static position of the outrigger and belt truss system of tall structures (In Persian) , Fifth National Conference on Applied Mechanical Engineering |
١١٦. Sobhan Rostami, Reza Kamgar, Evaluating methods for solving the static equilibrium equations by considering nonlinear effects of geometry and materials (In Persian) , Fifth National Conference on Applied Mechanical Engineering |
١١٧. Ali Ghale Sefidi, Amin Ahmadi, Reza Kamgar, Dynamic responses of a structure equipped with a tuned mass damper subjected to the earthquake load (In Persian) , National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, Tabriz Islamic Art University / 26 November. 2020 |
١١٨. Ehsan Jamshidi, Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, A comparison between the results of the finite element method and Isogeometric analysis method for the analysis of the Kirchoff rectangular plats (In Persian) , National Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution, Tabriz Islamic Art University / 26 November. 2020 |
١١٩. Noushin Forouhi, Ali Reza Jahangiri, Ahmad Jame Khorshid, Reza Kamgar, Experimental evaluation of the properties of thermal energy storage concrete using fatty acids (In Persian) , 7th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management |
١٢٠. Noushin Forouhi, Ali Reza Jahangiri, Ahmad Jame Khorshid, Reza Kamgar, Investigation of coconut oil effect as a PCM on the concrete properties (In Persian) , 7th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management |
١٢١. Ehsan Jamshidi, Reza Kamgar,Heisam Heidarzadeh, Evaluation of the results of finite element and Isogeometry analysis methods in analyzing of four node elements (In Persian) , 6th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Development, Tehran, Iran, Iran University of Science and Technology |
١٢٢. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Mitra Salimi Naghani, The effect of applying the friction tuned mass dampers on the reduction of seismic response of structures (In Persian) , 6th.National Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, 10-12 December 2019,Tehran , Iran |
١٢٣. Reza Kamgar,Ali Reza Jahangiri, Mehdi Omidi, Evaluation the effect of width and thickness of FRP fibers on the shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams (In Persian) , 2nd Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Planning of the Islamic Countries |
١٢٤. Reza Kamgar,Ali Reza Jahangiri, Mehdi Omidi, The effect of distance and angle of FRP fibers on the shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams (In Persian) , 2nd Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Planning of the Islamic Countries |
١٢٥. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Masoud Dadkhah, Determination of the optimum location for the tuned mass damper at stories of the structure to improve the seismic performance of the steel structures (In Persian) , 6th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering,Architecture and Urban Management |
١٢٦. Reza Kamgar, fatemeh Gholami Dizicheh, Comparison of the performance of tuned liquid dampers and modified tuned liquid dampers in reducing structure response (In Persian) , 11th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Shiraz, Iran |
١٢٧. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Reza Babadaei Samani, Evaluation of the shear capacity for steel beams under uniform corrosion (In Persian) , 6th National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management, Tehran, Iran |
١٢٨. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Reza Babadaei Samani, Corrosion effect on bending capacity in steel structures (In Persian) , 11th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Shiraz, Iran |
129. Reza Kamgar, Heisam Heidarzadeh, Mohammad Reza Babadaei Samani, Rehabilitation of steel shear wall using shape memory alloy (In Persian) , 11th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Shiraz, Iran |
١٣٠. Reza Kamgar, Fatemeh Gholami, Linear dynamic analysis of Konya concrete gravity dam subjected to the earthquake load and hydrodynamic pressure of water induced by earthquake , 17th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, Shahrekord, Iran (In Persian). |
١٣١. Reza Kamgar, Mohammad Mehrabi Habib Abadi, (In Persian)Response analysis of bridge by considering the effect of pile , 2th. National Conference on Applied Researches in Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Tehran, Iran |
١٣٢. Mohammad Mohammad Reza Poor Tabari, Reza Kamgar, and Mitra Nasr Azadani , Simulation of structural parameters of two-arched concrete dam using dynamical artificial neural network, case study: Amir Kabir dam of Karaj (In Persian) , 5th. National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran |
١٣٣. Mohammad Mohammad Reza Poor Tabari, Reza Kamgar, and Mitra Nasr Azadani , Evaluation of linear responses of two-arched concrete dam subjected to thermal loading, gravity, hydrostatic pressure and earthquake loading, case study: Amir Kabir dam of Karaj (In Persian) , 5th. National Conference on Applied Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, Tehran, Iran |
١٣٤. Amid Hadi and Reza Kamgar, History of development in rigid connections (In Persian) , First Regional Conference on Civil Engineering, Lahijan, Iran, 2011 |
١٣٥. Reza Kamgar and Houman Ebrahimpour Komleh, Evaluation of nonlinear response of concrete dam subjected to original, pulse and residual earthquake computed from wavelet: Koyna dam, case study (In Persain) , 2th National Conference on Iranian Structural Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2016 |
١٣٦. Reza Kamgar and Reza Rahgozar, Free vibration analysis of framed tube, shear core, belt truss and outrigger system using analytical method (In Persain) , Second National Conference on Emergency Management, Tehran, Iran, 2012 |
١٣٧. Reza Kamgar and Peyman Rahgozar, Computing the natural frequency of framed tube structures (In Persian) , Third National Conference on Earthquake and Structure, Kerman, Iran, 2012 |