International Journal |
1. Hakimi A, Mohammadi M, Mobini Z, Wireless-powered Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Networks with Full-duplex and NOMA Transmissions , International Journal of Information and communication Technology Research 11:18-28, 2020 |
2. Zahra Mobini, Secrecy performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Cognitive Untrusted Relaying with Friendly Jamming , International Journal of Electronics and Communications |
3. Hakimi najafabadi A, Mohammadi M, Mobini Z, Ding Z, Full-Duplex Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Cooperative Spectrum-Sharing Networks with Non-linear Energy Harvesting IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69:1-14, 2020 |
4. Feizi F, Mohammadi M, Mobini Z, Tellambura C, Proactive Eavesdropping via Jamming in Full-duplex Multi-Antenna Systems: Beamforming Design and Antenna Selection , IEEE Transactions on Communications 68:1-15, 2020 |
5. Zahra Mobini, Secure Cooperative Spectrum Sharing in Full-duplex Multi-antenna Cognitive Radio Networks with Jamming , International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2020 |
6. Z. Mobini, M. Mohammadi, Batu K. Chalise, Himal A. Suraweera, and Z. Ding,, Beamforming Design and Performance Analysis of Full-Duplex Cooperative NOMA Systems , IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 18, pp. 3295 - 3311, June 2019. (IF:6.39) |
7. F. Jafarian, Z. Mobini, and M. Mohammadi, Secure cooperative network with multi-antenna full-duplex receiver , IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 13, pp. 2786 - 2794, Sept. 2019. (IF: 4.46) |
8. Z. Mobini, M. Mohammadi, and C. Tellambura, Wireless-powered full-duplex relay and friendly jamming for secure cooperative communications , IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol. 14, pp. 621 - 634, Mar. 2019. (IF: 6.21) |
9. S. Derakhshandeh, Z. Mobini, M. Mohammadi, and M. Nikbakht, UAV-assisted fault location in power distribution systems: An optimization approach , IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, pp. 4628-4636, July 2019. (IF: 10.48) |
10. A. Hakimi, M. Mohammadi, and Z. Mobini, Throughput analysis of wireless-powered decode-and-forward relay systems with interference , Wireless Networks, Vol. 25, . pp 2485–2495, Jul. 2019. |
11. M. Mohammadi, B. K. Chalise, A. Hakimi, Z. Mobini, H. A. Suraweera, and Z. Ding, , Beamforming design and power allocation for full-duplex non-orthogonal multiple access cognitive relaying , IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 66, pp. 5952 - 5965, Dec. 2018. (IF: 5.69) |
12. Zahra Mobini, Majid Khabbazian, Asymptotic Gain Analysis of Cooperative Broadcast in Wireless Networks , IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 485 - 497, June 2016. (IF:6.39) |
13. Zahra Mobini, Parastoo Sadeghi, Majid Khabbazian, and Saadan Zokaei, Power Allocation and Group Assignment for Network Coding Noise Reduction in Wireless Cooperative Networks , IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, No. 8, Vol. 61, 2012. (IF:4.02) |
14. Z. Mobini, S. Zokaei, M. Mohammadi, Joint Power Allocation and Relay Selection Strategies for Wireless Multi-unicast Network-coded Systems , Ad Hoc Networks, 29: PP. 99-116, 2015 (IF: 3.49) |
15. MohammadAli Mohammad, Zahra Mobini, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Behrad Mahboobi,, Performance Analysis of Generic Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Networks over Asymmetric Fading Channels. , Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, page 49-70, No.1, Vol. 72, 2013. (IF:0.95) |
16. Zahra Mobini, MohammadAli Mohammadi, and H. Allah Rohi, Power controlled Uplink Performance analysis under soft- Handover in DS-CDMA Systems along with Convolutional Coding Scheme , International Journal of Intelligent Information Technology Application (IJIITA 2008), pp. 153-157. 2008.
17. MohammadAli Mohammad, Zahra Mobini, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Behrad Mahboobi, Performance Analysis and Power allocation for Multi-hop Multi-branch Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Networks over Generalized Fading Channels , EURASIP J. Wireless Communication and Networking, 2013. (IF: 1.52) |
Research Journal |
١٨. سمانه دزفولی زاده، زهرا مبینی, استراق سمع فعال با کمک UAV براي بهبود امنيت شبکه هاي مخابرات مشارکتي , نشريه مهندسي برق و الکترونيک ايران، 1399 |
١٩. فاطمه جعفریان و زهرا مبینی, ارتباط مشارکتی امن با گره مقصد کاملا دو طرفه چند آنتنه , مجله مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز 1398- دوره 49 - شماره 1- صفحه 89-100 |
٢٠. محمدعلی محمدی، زهرا مبینی, نرخ قابل حصول ارسال همزمان اطلاعات و توان برای سیستم مخابرات دوطرفه مجهز به آرایه آنتن عظیم , مجله مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز 1396 |
International Conference |
21. S. Haghgoy, M. Mohammadi, Z. Mobini, Performance Analysis of Decoupled UL/DL User Association in Wireless-Powered Massive MIMO-Aided Heterogeneous Networks , 5th International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (IoT2021) May 19-20, Isfahan, Iran |
22. F. Feizi, M. Mohammadi, Z. Mobini, Proactive Eavesdropping via Jamming in Full-duplex Cellular Networks with Antenna Selection , in Proc. 9th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST 2018), Tehran, Iran |
23. A. Hakimi, M. Mohammadi, Z. Mobini, Outage probability of wireless-powered multi-antenna cooperative spectrum sharing networks with full-duplex and NOMA transmissions , .in Proc. 9th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST 2018), Tehran, Iran |
24. Z. Mobini, M. Mohammadi, Chintha Tellambura, Security Enhancement of Wireless Networks with Wireless-Powered Full-Duplex Relay and Friendly Jammer Nodes , in Proc. IEEE ICC 2017 Workshops (Workshop on Full-Duplex Communications for Future Wireless Networks), Paris, France, May 2017, pp. 1329-1334. |
25. M. Mohammadi and Z. Mobini, Wireless-Powered Cooperative Systems With Relay Selection in Spectrum-Sharing Scenario”, in Proc. IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom 2017) , Istanbul, Turkey, Jun 2017 |
26. Z. Mobini and M. Mohammadi, Secure Spectrum-Sharing Networks with Full-Duplex Multiple-antenna Wireless-Powered Secondary System , in Proc. IEEE Inter-national Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom2017), Istanbul, Turkey, Jun 2017 |
27. Z. Mobini, M. Mohammadi, H. A. Suraweera and Z. Ding, Full-duplex Multi-Antenna Relay Assisted Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access. , in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017) |
28. Zahra Mobini, Parastoo Sadeghi, and Saadan Zokaei, , Joint Power Allocation and Relay Selection in Network-Coded Multi-Unicast System, , In: IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC) Paris, France, April. 2012, pages 1113-1118. |
29. Zahra Mobini, Parastoo Sadeghi, and Saadan Zokaei,, Network Coding Noise Reduction in a Wireless Cooperative Network , In: 22th IEEE Int. Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun. (PIMRC'2011), Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2011, pp. 1459-1464. |
30. MohammadAli Mohammadi, Zahra Mobini, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Joint Power Allocation and Relay Selection in Cooperative Ad-Hoc Networks with Multi-Hop Diversity , ," In: 14th IEEE Int. Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Commun. (WPMC'2011), Brest, France, Oct. 2011, pp. 571-575.
31. Zahra Mobini, MohammadAli Mohammadi, Saadan Zokaei, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Reliable and Distributed Power Optimized Cooperative Routing in Wireless Networks , In: IEEE WICOM 2010, Chengdu, China, Sept. 2010, pp. 571-575.
32. MohammadAli Mohammadi, Behrad Mahboobi, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Zahra Mobini, Power-optimized multi-hop multi-branch amplify-and-forward cooperative systems , In: 5th IEEE Int. Symp. on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC'2010), Modena, Italy, May 2010, pp. 534-539 |
33. MohammadAli Mohammadi, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Zahra Mobini, Relay selection for Multiuser MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Systems , In: IEEE Int.Conference on Ultra-Modern Telecomm. and Workshops (ICUMT'2009), St. Petersburg, Russia, Oct. 2009, pp.1-6.
34. Zahra Mobini, Mohammadali Mohammadi, H.Allah Rohi, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Power Controlled Uplink Performance Analysis under Soft-Handover in DS-CDMA Systems Along with Convolutional Coding Scheme , In: IEEE Int. Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management (CCCM'2008), Guangzhou, China, Aug. 2008, Vol.2, pp. 518-522. (Best Paper award)
35. Z. Mobini, M. Mohammadi, H.A. Rohi, M. Ardebilipour, Performance Analysis in SIR-Based Power Controlled Uplink DS-CDMA Systems using Soft Handover , In Proc. 4th Intll Conf. on Wireless Communi., Networking and Mobile Computing (WICOM), 2008, Dalian , China, September. 2008, pp. 1-4. |
36. MohammadAli Mohammadi, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Moussakhani B., Zahra Mobini, , “Performance Comparison of RLS and LMS Channel Estimation techniques with Optimum Training Sequences for MIMO-OFDM Systems," , In: 5th IEEE Int. Conference on Wireless and Optical Commun. Networks (WOCN'2008), Surabaya, Indonesia, May 2008, pp. 1-5.
37. MohammadAli Mohammadi, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Babak Moussakhani, Zahra Mobini, Serial Equalization Structure for Channel Compensation in OFDM Systems, , " In: 5th IEEE Int. Conference on Wireless and Optical Commun. Networks (WOCN'2008), Surabaya, Indonesia, May 2008, pp. 1-4 |
National Conference |
38. MohammadAli Mohammadi, Mehrdad Ardebilipour, Zahra Mobini, A New Method for Channel Estimation In MIMO-OFDM Systems Based on Adaptive Algorithms , In: 16th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE, 2008), Tehran, Iran, May 2008.